We are very happy and excited to have you come and join us for our wedding celebration! It will have all the key elements of a good party - lots of wine (it’s in a vineyard after all), great food (Giles being the groom and all), nice weather (laughs nervously), and cake. Lots of cake. And above all lovely people and great music.
Giles is the tall one, Sara the absolutely averagely sized one in a not so averagely sized white dress. That should be enough for you to identify us during the party if you’re uncertain of why in the name of all that’s holy you ended up in the middle of rural Alentejo during the summer. Any complaints should be addressed to said tall one - though you already said yes so YOU HAVE TO COME. If you’re wondering why we decided to get married in a vineyard in Alentejo and do it over two days in July - Sara was born and bred here and she feels that if she had to spend 18 years here, you should get to suf— experience it for two days too. And as all Giles had to offer as an alternative was rain, this seemed like the best option. In this hastily put together website (not by Giles because he said “I’ll do it” and got annoyed when Sara reminded him every 6 months so she had to hire someone to do it. Shame! Shame!) you will hopefully find everything you need to plan your trip and organise (or organize) your logistics as painlessly as possible. We can’t wait to welcome you to our special weekend and dance the nights away under the stars of the beautiful Alentejo sky (we were told we needed some nice poetic stuff in the intro, so there you go). Until then, Sara and Giles