
Jennifer N. & Pierre B.

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the amazing friends and family taking part in our wedding ceremony! (Not pictured - all of the amazing behind-the-scenes support. We love and appreciate everyone who helped make this special day possible.)

Yannick Cambry

Co-Best Man

Yannick and Pierre go back to sixth grade, where they met in middle school and were on the same soccer team. They are terrific friends who share a ton in common, such as a cultural background, dogs, soccer, music, television, favorite BBQ and cuts of steak, and gently reminding people not from Long Island that they’re from West Hempstead, not Hempstead. They talk frequently, visit each other as much as their bank accounts and schedules allow, and even each other’s mother loves them. Knowing they’d be best friends for life, Pierre promised Yannick the best man spot back in high school and knew back then, as he does now, that he made the right decision.

Samantha Schneider Ikeda

Co-Matron of Honor

Samantha (Sam) and Jenie have been friends since almost day one of college. Their friendship began through the college tradition of burnt popcorn. They lived across the hall freshman year and it was a well-timed smoke detector that first introduced the pair. These two bonded over homesickness and a love for hugs. While it’s unclear if they officially solidified their friendship over a head lice scare or if it was the frosted cake in the shape of a rose from Upper dining hall, these two have taken their college adventures and turned them into a forever friendship.

David Somers

Co-Best Man

Pierre’s first college (b)romance was surprisingly not Jenie. It was Dave. Pierre’s college experience was kinda mid until he met Dave freshman year one Friday night. From there, everything skyrocketed. Specifically, right after the hangover Saturday morning. They were inseparable, joining the same student clubs, going to the same parties, playing the same games, and living together for the last two years of college. They are forever friends who talk regularly and try not to go a couple of months without seeing each other. They are also extremely competitive with one another and annoyingly evenly matched across many games, which is good for watchability and bad for Pierre’s trash-talking.

Keanna Lamont

Co-Maid of Honor

Keanna and Jenie met during the first few days of college through a friend of a friend of a friend. (It has been confirmed that none of those friends are still together). They spent hours chatting during the first few weeks of school, often meeting for lunch to grab a bite together or spending hours studying (and chatting) in the library between classes. While they had to struggle through living on separate campuses freshman year, Jenie was always happy to trek over to Keanna’s room for a nice snack and Keanna enjoyed Jenie’s location due to its closer proximity to main campus. These two were direct roommates sophomore year and have maintained their close bond ever since. Whenever they meet up nowadays, they spend literal hours chatting about everything and anything.

Blu Wong


Blu and Pierre met in a large bio lecture because Blu would always sit in the second from left seat and Pierre is left-handed so would plop down right beside him. This confused Blu but Pierre was cool with it and the friendship grew all the way into direct roommates for two years in college. Blu is part of the college quartet (aka Squad) sharing in the amazing times and crazy experiences they had. Sidebar: They once convinced a college friend that he is named Blu because at the hospital his parents unexpectedly found out that Red was taken. At the wedding, Pierre will Venmo $20 to the first non-groomsmen who can tell him who this was.

Sadie James


Sadie is arguably Jenie’s longest friend. They originally bonded over a love for winter sports - and the debate of nordic versus alpine skiing continues on to this day. While the friendship started in various ski lodges and grew through numerous hikes and lifting workouts during the summer, their friendship has now become so much more. Whether they are catching up while commuting home from work, or traveling to various cities across the country to catch up (Boston, DC, and Chicago, just to name a few), these two are always happy to share a tidbit of hometown gossip, and celebrate or commiserate life's many challenges. Sadie is a true sister in all meanings of the word.

Tyler Patchell


Tyler and Pierre met in a student group for freshman men (ha, oxymoron). They became fast friends particularly in sophomore year when Pierre would go over to his room where Dave and Blu lived. Tyler and Pierre were workout buddies, drinking partners (protein shakes only ofc), and arguably the cleanest roommates in Squad’s two years living together. A subtly hilarious roommate and a quite talented comedic artist who would literally draw memes that left Squad in stitches, Pierre could not have asked for a better friend with whom to experience college.

Julia Nicholson Murphy


Julia and Jenie were an unlikely pair that has since taken the world by storm. Their friendship formed over a love for dancing - tap dancing to be exact. These two were often found in the corner of the studio practicing and trying to catch the other person up on whatever they missed at the last practice. This bond eventually led to a choreographed piece of their own and the rock solid friendship that still stands. Julia and Jenie can now be found maintaining their friendship through the occasional brunch in one of their current cities and meticulously scheduled FaceTime calls.

Chris Torres


Chris, spelled and pronounced C, is Pierre’s childhood friend dating back to late fourth grade. C and P, who received their nicknames along with Mo and Y when iPhones weren’t common and there was a 160 character limit on texts, spent their childhoods playing video games, longboarding, and eating way too much Domino’s pizza. One of the four founding members of our childhood friend group, Goon Squad (Pierre knows, so original), C can be relied on to set up beloved FaceTimes so Goon Squad can catch up, respond to Pierre’s news clipping screenshots in the GS group chat, and religiously take care of his beard.

Julie Hyland


Julie and Jenie met in a very classic college way - they sat next to each other in class. These two bonded over their nerdy love for science, specifically anatomy and physiology. They supported each other through the trials and tribulations of nursing school. Julie was even brave enough to let Jenie stick her with a needle as part of a nursing lab. Fun fact: Julie’s couch was Jenie’s favorite napping spot during sophomore year of college. These two interviewed for jobs together in DC and spent several years catching up after night shifts with baked cookies and finding time for ice skating excursions. They do far less ice skating with Julie in Boston and Jenie in Chicago, but they maintain their love of science with frequent phone calls to discuss the crazy things they witnessed on their last shift.

Maurese Bramwell


Maurese, pronounced Mo, is the very first friend P made when he moved to West Hempstead. P and Mo played a ton of handball and skated all over town when they were young. Mo held the whole squad down as the crash pad for late night videogames and Domino’s ordering. P and Mo also walked (or skated) to school together where they sometimes even made it early enough to school to grab a bacon, egg, and cheese. Mo has an infectious laugh and shoulders as broad as C’s voice is deep - which isn’t really even fair to P when you think about it - and, above all, P is so grateful to have met him so soon after moving to a new neighborhood.

Victoria-Grace Leconte


Victoria is the best sister-in-law of which Jenie could have ever dreamed. With a much classier sense of style, Victoria is always happy to offer outfit and jewelry input (two skills her brother is seriously lacking). The two have bonded over a love for picking on Pierre and a mutual understanding to stick together. Victoria has a heart of gold with a determination and drive that amaze and inspire Jenie each and every day. Jenie cannot wait to have her future sister share in this special day.

Zach Roper


Zach and Pierre met through Dave after Pierre graduated BC and was already living in Chicago. They hit it off extremely well due to a love of sports and rap and became fast friends despite the challenging logistics of long-distance friendship without a long history. A die-hard Boston sports fan, you can listen to him complain about how rare success has been for Boston sports teams. Dave and Pierre’s personal record before rolling their eyes is a generous seven seconds. Zach’s nickname is Big Red, of no relation to Blu, because he once wore a red polo and is tall, so yea - the bar is low when you’re 22.

Caroline McMahon


Caroline was Pierre’s friend first, but has been a proud cheerleader of Pierre and Jenie’s relationship from the start. As one of the first few people aware of their relationship, she was a staple in their lives during the first few years. While geography may be making things difficult these days, Caroline is always welcome on their couch - an offer she has accepted on several occasions. No one has seen the history of the PB&J relationship with quite as much clarity as Caroline, and the couple are excited to have her as a part of their big day.

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