In case you find extra time on your hands, here are some recommendations for places in Fort Wayne to visit during your trip.
Foellinger-Friemann Botanical Conservatory
1100 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802, (260) 427-6440
Located just a few blocks from the Baker Street Station, these various gardens are beautiful to look at. $5 admission fee.
History Center
302 East Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802, (260) 426-2882
Quaint museum in downtown Fort Wayne, details the history of the city and has a cute little jail in the basement. Admission is $6.
Powers Hamburger Restaurant
1402 South Harrison Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802, (260) 422-6620
Located just a block away from the Baker Street Station, Powers is a deceptively small restaurant that is a Fort Wayne classic.
Promenade Park
202 West Superior Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802, (260) 427-6000
Beautiful park located in downtown Fort Wayne. If you find yourself needing to stretch your legs, but not wanting to wander too far, this is a nice location to do so.