
Jody & Lev

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

We couldn't have made it here without these lovely people! Meet our wedding party.

Jennifer Snead

Matron of Honor

Jody found her spirit animal in Jennie when they met at a fraternity mixer at Southern Methodist University. They quickly bonded over many shared interests and eventually got matched as a Big/Little pair in their sorority, Alpha Chi Omega. Since then, Jennie and Jody have been inseparable. They share a love of all things Disney, Prosecco, and dogs. Jody served as Jennie's Maid of Honor in her wedding in July 2023 and could not be happier to have her as her Matron of Honor.

Akhil Reddy

Best Man

Lev and Akhil's friendship dates back further than a decade and has produced numerous vintage and epic moments. From the high school days, including Project X at Akhil's house, to the university days and meeting up at Ultra Music Festival, Rally in the Alley or Moonrise festival, they made time to meet up from far and wide. They even took it a step further and swept through Amsterdam, Prague, Barcelona and Monaco together. Future escapades are surely in order, and Lev is excited to have Akhil as his Best Man as he marries Jody, who may have to show these boys a thing or two about adventuring.

Camille Domangue


Camille has been Jody's longest enduring friendship. They have been friends ever since Jody creepily brought a photo of Camille's dad to Elementary School from their parents' time together in the oil fields. Camille has been there through thick and thin. She is one of Jody's sisters that she never had, minus the sibling squabbles. She was always Jody's companion on "family" vacations and they enjoyed many late night Mac photobooth sessions together at sleep overs. She will forever be the artist to Jody's scientist.

Matthew Reuter


Matthew met Lev when they both made it onto the tennis team in junior high. Matt was easily the better player, but rumor has it that Lev was winning their first match ever, before it was indefinitely postponed ... However, no love was lost and they went on to be inseparable throughout high school. From tennis season, to "Senior games", to NYC; Lev and Matt have always both been game for an adventure and Lev is ecstatic that Matt could join him on his wedding day as his groomsman.

Ellyn Smith


Ellyn is Jody's childhood friend, partner in crime and trusted advisor. Meeting initially in the 6th grade, Ellyn has always been someone with which Jody can vent, get advice, and get styling tips. Even when Ellyn was at LSU while Jody attended SMU, their friendship remained strong with frequent hour-long phone calls. Post-college, they have remained close through Dallas meet-ups, Hawaii trips and Facetime sessions.

David Shoyket


David first bumped into Lev at their assigned hallway lockers on the first day of sixth grade. This one instance of pure chance transformed into a lifelong friendship. They quickly found out that they shared plenty in common, including speaking Russian, playing soccer and tennis, and having few issues with academics. David's parents house was their homebase throughout high school as it was walking distance to the tennis and basketball courts, as well as the soccer field. Summers were spent playing tennis, soccer, and taking trips "down the shore" at Brigantine, NJ.

Dr. Katherine Reano


Katherine is always down for a good time. Not only one of Jody's close friends from Medical School, but also an amazing travel buddy. Jody and Katherine have been bad influences on each other from the start, instigating trips to remote Caribbean Islands, Mississippi in the middle of the Pandemic, winter trips to Park City and most recently a bougie trip to Italy. Even though Jody and Katherine are separated while Katherine completes a Critical Care Fellowship in St. Louis, that hasn't stopped them from planning elaborate reunions!

Phillip Peker


Phil and Lev can trace their roots back to middle school Travel Soccer, high school bonfire nights and hometown reunions in NYC. Phil and Lev have a tight-knit bond and are able to pick up exactly where they left off without missing a beat, any time that they meet up. This year has been a exciting one for the both of them, with Phil getting married as well, and both of their bachelor parties. Lev is excited to have Phil as a groomsman and help him celebrate his wedding to Jody in style.

Dr. Avery Lee


Talk about a ride or die... Avery is one of Jody's close friends from Medical School. They met in Grenada but became closest when they moved to Decatur, GA for rotations. Avery has been there for it all: she has shared a room with Ruger (the Bride's beloved dog), accompanied Jody to Renaissance Festivals, and partaken in COVID-19 Zoom Happy Hours. We just hope that she doesn't crash the Honeymoon Suite, like Jody did to her.

James Levin


Meet James, the secret weapon of our wedding squad! With a charm that could rival James Bond and dance moves smoother than butter on a hot pan, he's not just a groomsman; he's a legend in the making. When he's not busy perfecting his watch or suit game, you can find him effortlessly charming his way through life. He's always Lev's go to for any technical advice and is always down for the get down. Our wedding would be incomplete without his antics and impeccable taste in whiskey.

Dr. Michelle Mellon


Michelle is the rock that helped get Jody through residency in Colton, California. Not only could Jody count on her to help out at work in a pinch, but she also gives the absolute best relationship advice. Michelle convinced Jody that she wouldn't get in trouble for dating a medical student and encouraged her to go on a second date with Lev, telling her that they were meant to be. We wouldn't be here without her!

George Bero


George became Lev's brother-in-law after marrying Lev's oldest sister, Olga, and Lev finally had a brother, after living with three sisters. George and Lev have done pretty well at playing catch-up for all the years Lev went brotherless, with plenty of spikeball, campfires, board games and home-brewed beers. They are looking forward to celebrating Lev & Jody's wedding, and to all future celebrations life has in store for their extended family.

Dr. J'aime Mohlmann


Jody and J'aime made an instant connection after meeting during a zoom orientation for residency, both rolling their eyes at the monotony which led to DMing each other to grab drinks together. Since then, they have aimed to enjoy work-life balance by skiing together, going to Disneyland, celebrating Christmas "parades" in Newport and enjoying Music Festivals (let's just forget about Shaqtoberfest).

Dr. Abhishek "B" Jain


"B" and Lev are bonded by the virtue of going through their surgical internships side by side. They knew they were going to be great friends when they emerged as the two residents who always made the best of the situation and lived life to the fullest in the small moments of free time that their work afforded them. Lev and "B" have many global "foodie" and boat trips left in store. Keep an eye out for their instagrams and maybe you can score an invite too.

Lilly Botea


Lilly and Lev share a special bond as being the two middle children of the family. Lily and Jody were fast friends after first meeting in North Carolina and following it up with excursions to Miami pool parties. Jody can't wait for a lifetime of adventures with her new-found sister, at last no longer an only child.

Dr. Josh Kaltman


Josh and Lev know each other from the elementary school days but lost contact with each other for a spell, especially with both of them moving away for college, and then to their respective medical schools. Life brought them back together when they both "matched" into residencies at UNC. They moved in together as roommates and quickly fell into step exploring all the amazing restaurants and checking out the local public golf courses. We can give Josh some of the credit for Lev leaving the Vascular Surgery life for Anesthesiology since Lev will admit he was frequently envious of Josh's work-life balance in anesthesia, compared to his own as a surgical resident.

Sophia Botea

Junior Bridesmaid

What is not to love about the youngest Botea sibling. Sophia is bright, compassionate and holds no prisoners when it comes to playing Pictionary or Settlers of Catan. Jody is excited to welcome a new sister who craves adventure .

For all the days along the way
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