
Caroline & Fleming

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Small wedding. Large wedding party. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

Cheyenne Washington

Maid of Honor

My oldest relationship! Cheyenne and I went to kindergarten together...and elementary school...and grade school...and high school........and college. We've grown up together, in all senses of the term. From long distance friendships to roommates, our friendship has seen it all. We've supported each other in the toughest moments of our lives, and celebrated each others' most profound accomplishments. She is family. She's my sister.

Levi Ballard

Best Man

Levi is Fleming's Best Man and the oldest friendship in the world. Since 3rd grade these two rapscallions have been romping around the woods and the world going on all sorts of adventures. No matter how spread out in the world we have been at times, we always managed to keep in touch and up to date on each others lives. For the first time in a decade, we're both settling down and it just so happens to be in the same city as each other, Richmond VA. Not sure which is better, his smarts or his dance moves, but we all know which one will be on display on the dance floor!

Logan Adams


Logan Adams, Ladams, #1 Logan, Logibear. The man's got nicknames for sure. Logan and Fleming have been friends since high-school and have been laughing our way through life ever since. Logan gave Fleming a place to stay in one of his spare rooms in Richmond, as I flip-flopped my way across the professional space and United States. He has always been an amazing and fiercely loyal friend who is good for a laugh, lengthy business discussion, or to blindly have your back in an argument he knows damn well I'm wrong in. Thanks dude! Twice now, Logan has played a big role in getting Fleming back to Richmond - maybe this time for good?

Jack Aldridge


Jack, formerly known as Jay, is from the middle-school era of friendship that just keeps on getting better. As we've grown, so too has our friendship. Jack has been an absolute rock for me as I delved into my professional career. He has always found time to help me out, and even hosted me for a few weeks as I tried to figure life out. Jack is always good for a laugh, the most competitive person I know, and if you want to talk business - he's your guy. Jack's current project is a full transition to become a tried and true #FloridaMan and even though its not a competition - my money is on him to win.

Maddie Bauer


It was love at first sight. I met Maddie on a hiking trip we were both under prepared for - cold, miserable, and plotting our escape. But somehow within that mess, we bonded instantaneously. We shared our deepest fears and most personal memories with each other the first night we met while bundling together in a tent trying (and failing) to stay warm. Also, fun fact. That was also the hiking trip where Fleming and I met the first time. 5 years later on our first date, we laughed as we remembered a memory of Maddie on that trip. So thank you, Maddie, for not only being the an absolute gem of a human, but also contributing to a great first date that lead to an exciting wedding ;)

Alessa Bazzi


I met Alessa through Cass. The best gift Cass could ever give me! Alessa is the best cheerleader and Hot Girl Walk buddy a girl could ask for. She is patient, kind, supportive, driven, fiercely loyal, and brilliant. She's also the funniest person I have ever met and has some pretty sick dance moves.

Brianna Bennett


If Brianna jumped off a bridge, so would I. In fact, she did. So I did too! Want the perfect blend of sassy and sweet? Wild but responsible? Composed yet ratchet? Gentle yet firey? Look no further. Bri's all of it wrapped up into one tall package. The person who is down for anything, including a Bravo binge sesh. My kinda girl ;)

Jesse Bors-Koefoed


Jesse is Fleming's older brother and has been an amazing one at that. From bringing me along on countless adventures to always holding space for me when I need it most. He got me out to Colorado twice and has gotten me out of trouble a few more times than that. I'll always look up to him and know I can always count on him to be a goofy, good hearted, joyful adventure buddy no matter where life takes us. Pro tip: Give him a hug - it's the only one that can rival Sherie's!

Matthew Bors-Koefoed


Is this a picture of Matthew 20 years ago? or yesterday? Who knows because he has always been this. I don't mean always dressed in a sick samurai outfit and walked his pet rabbit - I mean he has always unabashedly been himself. A characteristic I think this world could use more of. I can always count on him for a laugh and maybe most importantly - to keep a cool head! If you are stressed and in need of a mellow voice, different view, or just a good ole belly laugh - go chat him up, you won't be dissapointed.

Nick Chuck


Nick and I met in while working together in college. We probably hung out together most days of the next three years. I just couldn't get enough of him, so we decided to share an apartment together after college. For a boy, he's surprisingly clean. And can cook (read: bake). What's not to love??

Cassandra Clayton


Cass was the reason Fleming got a second date! When he asked me to have dinner at his house, my immediate reaction was absolutely not - I hardly know you, you could be a murderer. But when he mentioned that one of his roommates was a fellow vegetarian and a female, I was immediately disarmed. When I arrived, this beauty was making us french onion soup and a cheese board, and I knew I was in love (with Cass, not Fleming...yet). Cass is the most compassionate person I have ever met, but watch out because she might try to get you drunk.

Paige Fery


This photo says just about everything you need to know about Paige. A big, warm smile, skiing and outdoor adventures, and...most importantly...food. Her favorite question is "What are you having for dinner?" She'll be excited to tell you about the bakery down the street from her house. How her favorite thing about hanging out with Caroline is the opportunity to eat Fleming's burritos. And how carbs coagulate. The only thing this photo doesn't tell you is how she's a badass who is getting her PhD, how she's the goofiest gal around, how supportive and resilient she is, and how good of a dancer she is. Here's to you, Power Tool Paige; you're one of a kind.

Andrew Hopkins


Andrew is a great friend from our time at Virginia Tech. We became really great friends during our time in Richmond as we biked, rafted, and engaged in general tom-foolery. Andrew is always good for a bad decision - and thats a good thing! He likes to keep life and adventures spicy by always pushing the envelope. Some of my favorite stories with Andrew include night skiing through the woods with no lights, hucking bikes off enormous drops (and sometimes landing), and flipping rafts on any river you put us on. No matter what he does, he doesn't half ass anything - he whole-asses everything!

Adam Howard


If a picture paints a thousand words, then each curly hair on Adam's head is worth a few thousand words each. Adam and Fleming met at Virginia Tech in the Fisheries department and remained good friends since. Adam helped set Fleming up with his first big boy job at Nalco water where the two commiserated and chatted almost constantly. As we drove around the Rockies for work, we were almost always talking about something and nothing at the same time. Adam is full of light hearted banter and an insatiable desire for big ideas a big projects. Recently, he moved across the country, bought a farm, had a kid, raised cows, changed jobs, and god knows what else. If you want to feel included, find Adam and ask him anything. Literally anything, and he'll chat you up for hours!

Erica McDowell


Erica is the gift that keeps on giving. We met freshman year of college while fussing over ex boyfriends. Sophomore we fumbled through a comp sci class together. Junior year we said screw the confines of a classroom, we're hanging out whenever we feel like it! Senior year we joined the same sorority were each other's twins (we were in the founding class of our chapter, so we had 'twins' rather than 'bigs' and 'littles'). I'm pretty sure we were actually inseparable by that point and you would need to have surgically separate us from each others' hips. We might be "twins" but she's definitely the wiser, smarter, and more patient of the twins. I'm better at skiing though ;)

Molly Ozier


The best thing to come out of Covid lockdown. Fleming and I moved to Boulder right as everything was shutting down. A new town, global pandemic, full time grad school, full time job - and not being able to leave the confines of our four walls - made us a wee bit stir crazy. Fortunately we moved in right next to a dope couple. I knew we were meant to be friends when Molly's now fiance complemented my Cheeto sweatpants. Molly and Preston swiftly became our lifeline to reality, connection, a sense of home, gentleness, compassion, and silly, goofy joy. They were the light in a dark time that we are so incredibly grateful for. PLUS! Molly is a damn CHEF.

Raquel Soat


Raquel/Rackle/Rackle-ow/Rachel(when she's drunk). A woman of many names. And you have to call her all of them. I love Raquel as much as she love rocks. And my god, that's a lot. I quite literally would not have made it through grad school without her. I've never met someone so multi-dimensional...I mean, how many people do you know who have a photographic memory, have been to all 50 states and several continents, have caught up to the professional development of their professors, and STILL has time to stan all the Housewives. Raquel, thank you for being everything I aspire to be. And getting me my diploma.

Logan Stanley


Logan, L-stan, #1 Logan, Stanley - the man's got options. As the picture may suggest - what a friggin goof. Logan and Fleming first became friends in middle school when we lived within walking distance of each other. We would get together after school and consistently make excellent* decisions. Since then we have grown up, but our decision making may not have. He is as good a person as he is goofy and is always there to help out with whatever type of moving you may need. Including when he helped solidify Fleming and Caroline by helping her move out of her ex's apartment within weeks of meeting her! Like I said, he is a true friend and is always there when I have needed him most.

For all the days along the way
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