4:30 pm
Check back again soon. More info to come.
7:00 pm
Everyone is welcome! Let's catch up and hang out before the big day.
4:00 pm
Nothing fancy - just love!
All events and activities will be held at The Mountain River Lodge EXCEPT the ceremony. The ceremony will be held directly across the street (100 yards) at the Lake George Community Park. Guests can walk either under the underpass for a slightly more adventurous route, or, you can walk across the road and up the path to the park. Be sure to check both ways before crossing, it's illegal for you to get hit by a car at our wedding. We need you all fit for dancing later! Dinner will accommodate vegetarian, vegan, meatatarian, gluten free, and dairy free options. If you have other dietary restrictions, please let Caroline & Fleming know directly.
10:30 am
Check back again soon. More info to come.