Sarah and Ben both attended Emory University in Atlanta, GA, yet their paths never crossed until their senior year. Unbeknownst to each other's existence, their fateful encounter occurred when Ben applied for a student organization where Sarah served on the board. After reading Ben's resume, Sarah was immediately captivated. Meanwhile, Ben remained unaware of Sarah, receiving only an interview invitation. Upon entering the interview room, Ben was struck by the sight of the enchanting woman before him. Although they had never crossed paths, he felt compelled to discover who she was. Little did he know, Sarah had intentionally orchestrated their meeting to put a face to the name on his resume. In the weeks that followed, they became acquainted through the student organization. Both Sarah and Ben remained oblivious and mistook each other’s interest for kindness. Two more months passed before Ben summoned the courage to ask Sarah out on a date. Fast forward to December 2022, four years later, where Ben followed up that first date with a proposal against the backdrop of a breathtaking sunset in Mexico. Much like four years earlier, Sarah enthusiastically said yes! Ben and Sarah are now so excited to take the next step and celebrate their marriage and wedding day with all of you! They express their heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering love and support and eagerly anticipate the joyous celebration ahead.