One could call it "divine intervention" ... "Divine Nine" intervention to be exact. A chance meeting at a social function hosted by a collective group of "Finer Women" in honor of the “Kaptivating Men of Achievement" led to an incredible bond of friendship, love, and commitment. The evening we met, we were both extremely hungry and exhausted due to work and conference activities that day. While indulging in the delectable delights of the evening, a simple question, "When did you pledge the organization?", paved the way to a weekend that included the "infamous fainting incident", comedic exchanges, intense, competitive games of casino Roulette, engaging connection over similar interests, and a Mardi Gras Party for the ages. Since our chance, unforgettable meeting, we have been inseparable, and not a day goes by without expressing our gratitude for the opportunity to share an endearing love with each other.