8:00 am
"A contest of wills and athletic ability. Shirts must be worn at all times." - John Sweeney, aka El Patrón
5:30 pm
Attire: Fiesta Festive!
9:00 pm
Attire: It's Mexico! Festive, Colorful!
We've made it to San Miguel!! Let the festivities begin! Ladies: PLEASE note San Miguel is known for its cobblestone streets so wear COMFORTABLE shoes. Seriously though, it's nicknamed 'the city of falling women', so choose your footwear wisely. What is the easiest way to get to Casa Cariño? Grab a taxi and give them the address: Cañadita de los Aguacates #8 (it should cost you around $2USD) If you prefer to walk, it is about a 10 minute walk from the town square! Type the address in on google maps for walking directions.
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Attire: Informal, swimsuits & lounging-by-the-pool-wear
Stop by the beautiful Casa Hyder for a margarita or cerveza while exploring San Miguel!
5:45 pm
The Callejoneada is a walking serenade for the bride and groom and is traditional in the Guanajuato province of Mexico. Come join the Mariachi and dance through the streets with us! Attire: All White Night! Chicas - Think white dresses or white jeans & a white blouse! COMFY flats or sandals that won't hold you back! Chicos - Think white linen shirts or guayaberas with jeans or khakis (no need to buy white pants, guys!)
10:00 am - 11:45 am
Attire: Casual!
Hosted with love by: Gladys & Bobby Kolenovsky & David Waldrop. All guests welcome!
4:00 pm
Attire: Garden Formal
Reception to follow at Casa Hyder. Casa Hyder Quebrada #83 San Miguel de Allende, Gto. 37700 Mexico