Matron of Honor
We met in college and bonded over being the only women in our engineering classes. She was the best personal chef after golf practice - even though she almost killed me with her "spicy" chili.
Best Man
(Little) Big Brother
My "sister from another mister", Europe travelling buddy, and one of the funniest people I have ever met. We spent many nights in college doing homework together, playing pool at Mingles and laughing until we were in tears.
Brother from another mother. We have known each other for as long as we can remember. We have been through thick and thin together.
Best college roommate and co-kitty parent ever (even if we did believe we could successfully get them to use the toilet instead of a litter box)
We met through Nick in high school. No matter how hard we try or what happens in our lives, we still remain friends.
Once upon a time, were 5 years old in kindergarten and she had me at "do you want to see my kitty folder?" The rest is history.
We played on the local rec league basketball team together when we were little. We reconnected a few years ago playing Saturday morning basketball.
"Coach Tom" Enough said.