We are so thankful for everyone who celebrated with us on our big day! Please head to the gallery page to view our wedding photo gallery!
We are so thankful for everyone who celebrated with us on our big day! Please head to the gallery page to view our wedding photo gallery!
July 30, 2022
Bremerton, WA

Kendall & Travis


we got married!

Travis Cox


Kendall Gray

July 30, 2022

Bremerton, WA

How We Met

Summer 2010

Travis and I met on the High School golf team. We were out golfing with a few of the other players the summer before my freshman year and Travis' junior year. We weren't paired together that day, but Coach Tom had given us challenges before the round to allow us to win cheesy fries (a staple of our high school golf diet). I didn't win any, but Travis did and I asked if I could try one of his fries. He said "No, I won these!" and I thought: "Wow, I'll never be friends with that guy." Needless to say, it wasn't love at first sight, but as the next few golf seasons went on and we got to know each other better, we both knew we had something special.

The Proposal


Golf is a huge part of both of our lives and something we love to do together. Every year we have been together, we have taken a summer trip to Apple Tree Golf Course. It has become a special place for us over the years. This particular trip was no different than the others. We drove the 2.5 hours to Yakima in the morning and began our round. Thankfully we weren't paired with anyone else, so it was just the two of us (even though I almost ruined that on the first tee by asking the group behind us if they wanted to join). The signature hole at Apple Tree is the 17th hole. It is an island green that is shaped like an apple. Travis had to wait the entire round to propose and keep his golf game steady so I wouldn't suspect anything. On the 17th tee, I suggested we use our drone to record a video of us hitting onto the green. This was perfect for Travis because he was secretly trying to think of a way to get a good picture of the proposal. He hit his shot first and then I was up. I hit my shot and when I turned around he was down on one knee and I said YES before he even asked the question!

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For all the days along the way
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