This is a very small airport. It only flies Allegiant Air. It is 14 minutes from the venue.
This is the larger airport. It is 45 minutes from the venue.
The link to this hotel will have the discounted rate reflected. This hotel provides a shuttle to the wedding venue. Exact times TBD. Rooms for this group will be held until 03/08/2022, so to get the group rate of $149/night you must book by that date. Please let Tor know if you book this hotel and will need a shuttle to/from the venue!
Discount Code - If calling the hotel use code VFW
Just use this link and you're in the wedding block rooms! They've made it easy for us. This hotel will also have a shuttle. Please let Tor know if you book this hotel and will need a shuttle to/from the venue! https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1634662900859&key=CORP&app=resvlink