Simone, new to the Big Apple, beat Jack, the seasoned rush hour subway train navigator to their first date at the Penrose on Second Ave. Intrigued by a profile that boasted a dead-on Barack Obama impression as a special skill, Simone's roommate and now bridesmaid Faye told her "well you have to meet him and see if its true." After a couple of drinks, hours of conversation and at least one mention of the band Dawes, Simone and Jack became inseparable companions; sharing their love of music, travel, pointing out every dog they see, and as you'll see on May 13, collecting friends. After spending two years living together in beautiful Queens, NY, enjoying New York City, building their careers and adopting the bravest little half-rat dog you've ever met (Wylie), Jack and Simone decided to head north to the beautiful Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts to buy their first house in Adams and start a family together. When they found out that Zoe Doris "ZuZu" was on the way, they realized they needed to upgrade, and just before Zoe made her grand 10-pound entrance to the world, they bought the big brick house in Pittsfield, upgrading Wylie to security guard of all four floors. Life has been amazing for Jack and Simone. They work from home together, they parent together, they take a nightly walk in the neighborhood together, and most important, they support each other in everything they do. Now, they'd like to add that one missing layer to their relationship, the one with the fancy dress, suits, vows, speeches, dancing and a completely well behaved group of groomsmen on their best behavior ;) and they'd like for you to join them in the celebration of this wonderful moment in time.