Parents of the Bride
Judy and Michael Bauer are Mollie's parents and her best friends. Michael is not only her dad, but her advisor, counselor, date to ballgames, travel buddy, fix-it guy, and, well, landlord. He is supportive and generous and all you could ask for and hope for in a dad. Judy is Mollie's fashion icon, stylist, shopping companion, co-interior decorator, support system, and overall everything else you could imagine. Mollie's favorite place to shop is Judy's closet and her only regret is they wear different shoe sizes and cannot share. Mollie counts on Judy for a lot of things and knows she will always be there with anything at a drop of the hat.
Parents of the Groom
Larry and Ana are Mike's parents. Larry taught Mike, early on, how to order double meat at Subway. Ana has been trying to get Mike to unlearn this ever since. Together they provided a fabulous life for Mike, full of more opportunities to learn and see the world than anyone could ever hope for. Through his parents Mike has developed a strong connection to family, a solid work ethic, a love for travel, and a keen ability to keep them on their toes. Together Larry and Ana have helped shape Mike into the person he has become, and if he's marrying Mollie Bauer, they must have done a pretty good job.
Matron of Honor
Mollie met Andie in the airport in Cancun, Mexico waiting to get on a plane for a Temple Akiba trip to Cuba. The two hit it off immediately and have been best friends ever since. Beyond Mexico and Cuba, Andie and Mollie have gone to so many amazing places together, including Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and four (yes four) Backstreet Boys concerts. Andie and Mollie have also had countless adventures in LA, taking architectural tours of historic Los Angeles, visiting museums, and playing hooky from work and going to Universal Studios. And, if you know Andie and Mollie, you can guess which of those were Andie's ideas and which were Mollie's.
Best Man
Mike and Richard met in the 4th grade. They shared strong bonds over Guns & Roses and Richards mother's cooking. He's famously known for wearing a Guns & Roses t-shirt to Mike's Bar Mitzvah, and for bringing an apple pie to Mike's family Passover. Richard has introduced Mike to many new things in life including model building, RC race car driving, explosives, chainsaws, trailers, ATVs and other relatively dangerous adventures that Mollie prefers Mike doesn't mention. Mike introduced Richard to matzo balls. Their friendship has evolved over the years and they consider themselves to be more like brothers than friends.
Chuppah Holders & Honorary Bridesmaid & Groomsman
Marc and Lacey are Mollie's brother and sister-in-law and 3-time family latke competition champions. Not only are they very close family, they are all great friends, supporters and confidants. They've enjoyed traveling together, eating out at so many restaurants, and joking around together at parties. Mollie feels very fortunate to have Marc as an older brother who's always looked out for her and guided her in positive directions. She also feels lucky he met Lacey and they produced two of Mollie's favorite people - Mara and Max.
Chuppah Holders & Honorary Bridesmaid & Groomsman
Jen and Jeremy are Mike's sister and brother-in-law. Mike can write pages about these two, but for the sake of keeping things short, he would like everyone to know that Jen has been the most supportive sister a brother could ask for. In a world where siblings don't always get along, Mike is lucky to have Jen not only as a sister, but also as a friend. Jeremy is the KINDEST and MOST GENEROUS person that Mike has ever met, and though mike says this facetiously, it's absolutely true. Mike treasures the time he gets to spend with Jen and Jeremy and their daughters, Jona and Arie.
Honorary Bridesmaid
Amanda is the best. And while that's all you really need to know, there is more of a story to tell. Mollie met Amanda in college and the laughs have not stopped since. They share a love for movies, pop culture, comedy and the Golden Girls. Mollie cherishes the times they've spent together in Boston and post-graduation visits in New York. And while Mollie has countless favorite memories with Amanda, she's realizing that most are simply not appropriate to share on a public wedding website.
Honorary Bridesmaid
Melissa was the first friend Mollie made in college. And lucky for Mollie, she also turned out to be the best friend. Melissa was a Boston local and took Mollie under her wing so she felt at-home away from her California home. She also helped Mollie study for tests, fix every science lab experiment after Mollie messed them up (there were a lot), and between the two of them a frequent companion to the Mass General Emergency Room (never anything too serious). Since college the two have remained very close friends, talk often, and visit each other across the country whenever they can.
Honorary Bridesmaid
Mollie met Doris sophomore year in college and the two have been friends ever since. Mollie would describe Doris as one of the sweetest people you'd ever meet. Mollie has fond memories of driving down to New Jersey to stay with Doris at her family's home and running around New York City as silly college kids, staying up late together studying for exams, and being "partners in crime" during a traumatic final group thesis-type project that almost took them both down. But they survived and have thrived ever since.
Honorary Groomsman
Mike met Zach at Jewish summer camp in 1994. Together they hosted camp fire talent shows, spent two months traveling through Israel on Ulpan, and scootered around the streets of Bordeaux. Zach is the consummate San Diego host, taking Mike to the best dive bars, late night Mexican food, and cemetery tours. Mike is currently trying to get the job as social media director and TikTok aficionado for the Village Hat Shop, Zach's family owned hat company. Neither of them are wearing hats in this photo.
Honorary Groomsman
Mike met Max at UC Davis. They spent a year living together at the 411 East 8th Street house where they and their roommates would form the fictional band "Max's Garden." The band never released any albums or singles, but they did enjoy spending time at the UC Davis community garden and seeing other (real) bands like Tea Leaf Green, The Free Association, and Moe. Max is Mike's go-to compost expert and Max continues to teach Mike how to be a better global and local citizen.
Honorary Groomsman
Not many people have lived with Mike as long as Sam has. They met at UC Davis and spent three blissful years as roommates, where Sam would hear Mike singing and playing guitar every night through the wall. Mike has always admired Sam's decision to ditch Country Wide for his true passion, brewing beer. These days, Sam can be found in San Diego driving the biggest truck you've ever seen and making sure San Diegans are drinking clean beer. Though they haven't lived together for some time, Sam continues to be a close friend and confidant, always quick to lend an ear or a pint of fresh brew.
Honorary Groomsman
Mike and Danny have been "cousins" since they were infants. They grew up together sharing all sorts of experiences including family vacations to Washington DC, Canada, and Lake Arrowhead, winter acting camp, Jewish summer camp, two months in Israel on Ulpan, and much much more. Danny continues to be Mike's partner in crime at family events. He's always encouraging Mike to tell the "why do we dip the eggs in saltwater" joke. They plan to continue this for the foreseeable future.
Honorary Groomsman
Darren and Mike have known each other since 1994 where they met at Jewish summer camp. They spent their freshman year living together in the dorms at UC Davis. Darren was deeply engaged in his fraternity and the campus community while Mike slept in, often times past noon. Darren has led Mike to some of his best experiences including the UC Davis Entertainment Council, a full time job at Congregation B'nai Israel in Sacramento, and a three-week stint as a hotdog runner at Sacramento's Raley Field. Darren and Mike are probably best known for their KDVS radio show which aired live at 4AM for a total for 4-6 weeks.
Honorary Groomsman
Chad has become one of Mikes closest friends over the past decade. He's a man of many talents, skilled in the crafts of candle making, bass and bassoon playing, figure skating, and video poker. Mike and Chad meet frequently for dinner where they discuss all aspects of life and to plan their annual trip to Las Vegas. Together, Chad and Mike have stayed at the The Luxor, Harrah's, Treasure Island, Palm's Place, The Hard Rock Hotel, The Palazzo (twice), The Aria, and most recently The Bellagio. They plan to eventually make it to the Wynn. Chad is from Louisville and keeps Mike up to speed on all things Bourbon and Derby.
Flower Girl & Ring Bearer
Mara is Mollie's niece and future best friend. The two of them enjoy building towers together, having dance parties, and playing airplane together until someone (usually Mollie) gets hurt. Max is Mollie's nephew. Together, they love reading books, looking at pictures, and playing "where's Maxi." Max is the most adorable boy that is sure to steal the show (and Mollie is totally fine with that!).
Flower Girls
Jona and Arie are Mike's favorite nieces. Mike loves bringing them goldfish crackers and candy. They tire him out with epic games of "hide and go seek." Jona and Arie think Mike is the monkey who shows up to their house on their birthdays and Halloween, but he's not, and he has the pictures to prove it.
Mike has raised Riggins & Bear since they were babies. He loves them very much. Mollie is allergic to cats. She loves Mike very much.