Please contact Jill at Stella Maris to arrange your internal flight and accommodations. Guests of the wedding will get 20% off the cost of their rooms and if you stay 7 nights, the 7th night is free!
Jill will help you arrange your internal flight to the resort. The air service can pick you up from Nassau or Georgetown. The internal flight from Nassau takes about an hour and from Georgetown takes about 20 minutes. There are direct flights from the NY/NJ/DC area to Nassau every day. She will need you to complete an Air Service form for Stella Maris and provide information on your flights into the Bahamas.
Often the Bahamian government offers deals like free roundtrip or one-way internal flights for so many nights at a hotel. Check this website before booking to see if there is a deal!
Travel Note
After you clear customs and immigration in Nassau you need to take a taxi from the main airport to the Executive Airport. It is only a quarter mile down the road but you are not allowed to walk. The taxi will likely cost $15-20 USD in cash. Unfortunately that's just the deal of travel here -- everything costs $15-20! Same will be true on the way back. Your internal flight leaves from the Executive Airport and Stella Maris will meet you there.