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Shaun and Kayla met while living in Las Vegas and working at Mandalay Bay! They both knew who each other were through work, but never officially met until they were both at an ACMA event, Party For A Cause, at the MGM festival grounds. Kayla had to stop by work to pick up her tickets and was asked to drop some off to Shaun. He was already there and needed more tickets for a friend. They connected for the ticket exchange and went about their ways. It wasn't until later in the night when Shaun asked if he could buy her a drink as a thank you for the favor. That one drink turned into a night of of singing and dancing the night away front row to Kenny Chesney. After the concert they split off on their own for a nightcap and talked the night away. They bonded over their love for country music, being from small hometowns, snowboarding, the Keys, and their dreams of living on the beach. When Kayla dropped Shaun off at his truck to go home, he leaned in and kissed her goodnight... Their single days were numbered after that. They spent the next year dating and vacationing. After a few Florida trips they decided they belonged somewhere by the water and started planning their next phase of life together. They quit their jobs and ran off to Bali. It was the first time they felt truly free of any commitments except being present and together. After returning to the US they zig zagged across the states with their pups and a U-Haul. They had no direct plans, but to adventure together and make their way to the beach. After a 4 months of being nomads, they landed in Florida and began their search for the perfect beach house (subtle plug...Beachfront Bargain Hunt Season 21 Episode 12). Now 4 years later, they are ready to start their next adventure together as the Kiki's!
Shaun proposed to Kayla on Madeira Beach ("their beach") where there is an entrance at the end of their road just a few block from home. It is by far their favorite beach and is where they spend many of their sunset nights together. All day Kayla was upset that no one was wanting to go boating with them or hang out, so she finally gave up and decided they would just go to their beach alone. Little did she know it was the plan all along. Shaun had family and friends hiding in the dunes waiting for their arrival. With her beach chair on her back and cooler in hand Shaun led her to a rose shaped heart made in the sand. When Shaun got down on one knee, so confused and in total shock, Kayla did too. It was perfect! Their friends and family gathered around with champagne and strawberries ready to celebrate as soon as she said "YES"!