Finding each other wasn’t something that we counted on. We both had given up on ever finding someone special. Truth be told, in our minds we didn’t believe that someone out there was going to be good enough, let alone someone we’d even like. But we gave it one last ditch effort. My friends incessantly encouraged me to try online dating, but needless to say I didn’t want to (I might have even rolled my eyes). Justin had just moved back from Seattle and readjusting to living back in Vegas. So we both got on Tinder. In about a few days, we had matched actually on Halloween night. I thought he was a cutie and he thought I was a hottie. We met up after chatting for a week just casually for some drinks. Much of our surprise, we instantly had a spark. Not just, oh they’re nice, but as if we had been friends catching up. It was never ending conversation and laughing. And noticed as we were leaving, it was difficult to say goodbye. It started out not taking ourselves serious but soon found out this was something worth taking a risk.