August 14, 2021
Washington DC

Cara & Joey

    Wedding Party
DC Skyline

Wedding Party

Justin Rich

Best Man

What to say about my best man Justin? The gentle giant, true player for real. He respects me, and I respect that, and I know if I ever needed him, he’d be there for me in a second. He’s a true artist, on the canvas and off. He challenges me and inspires me to be a better person. He rocks. Ever since we went on that first trip for school to Maastricht junior year of undergrad, I think we both knew we’d be close for life.

Alon Cohn

Matron of Honor

I am so grateful to have the most loyal, honest, strong-willed & caring person I know as my big sister and MOH! Alon is the first person on my speed dial - whether I'm happy, sad, scared or just bored. From saving me from getting hit by a car at 4 years old to picking me up from parties when I was 17 (sorry mom & dad!), Alon has always been there for me. Alon is an inspiring wife, mother & sister who pushes me to be better every day. Can't wait to celebrate with her!

Sherman Wilhelm


I see having Sherman as one of my groomsmen as an absolute win. It’s rare that someone can make a correct snap judgement about a friendship just by hearing where two people met, but I think that may be the case for us meeting at orientation for the University of Florida’s Honors Program. From case class, to Deloitte, to now, there’s no one I’d rather somehow miraculously win a game of Fortnite with. I know some of our friends wonder how if we can stay close with how busy both of our lives can be at times, but that’s our secret: we’ll always be friends.

Amanda Fox


Amanda and I met in high school in Fort Lauderdale and took a chance deciding to room together freshman year at UF. Little did we know, sharing that 400 sq ft dorm room led me to my best friend, who I lived with all four years of undergrad! Amanda is hilarious, super smart, and incredibly generous. Amanda is the type of wonderful friend who will drop anything to go on an adventure with you, travel to a new part of the world, or encourage (force) you to take a (way too long but beautiful) hike. I'm so grateful that we have remained best friends, even 1,000+ miles apart.

Jakob Deel


Hachi machi, am I excited to have Jakob as a groomsman. Although we didn’t meet until I graduated from college, Jakob and I quickly hit it off when we both started working at Deloitte in DC (even though my first true memory of him is getting rejected from a bar at our first work event), and we’ve been close ever since. Jakob is welcoming—always the first to shout “hail and well met”—always pushes me to evolve my thinking about the world, and has taught me more about coal than I probably ever needed to know.

Justine McGraw


I am lucky to have grown up with an incredible group of cousins who have been with each other through it all, from summer cabin trips to Barothy to Fourth of Julys on the lake and nighttime walks at Christmas. Justine has always been the caring, independent & stylish cousin. She's taught me how to blaze my own path, be driven while keeping your priorities in check, and (perhaps most importantly of all) how to decorate my apartment. So glad to have her standing with me on my wedding day!

Harrison Tool


I couldn’t be happier to have Harrison as one of my groomsmen. As soon as we met in the business school at University of Florida, we hit it off. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who I had more in common with than Harrison. From New Zealand, to Montreal, to Belgrade, to St. Augustine, Florida, we’ve formed a bond that’ll last a lifetime. Even though I still wished he took the job offer that would’ve brought him to DC (and he probably thinks the same for me and my offer to go to Boston with him), I’m glad we’ve been able to stay close, and I can’t wait to celebrate with him!

Alaina Petrucci


Another incredible Pfeffer cousin - Alaina was the one I looked up to growing up (and absolutely still do) for her kind heart, generous patience, and incredible strength. With our birthdays just 1 day apart, Alaina and I have always celebrated our birthdays together with a combined party over the Fourth of July. Even while sharing the celebrations, Alaina always goes out of her way to make me feel special - one of those truly unique friends who has an uncanny ability to make you feel loved & celebrated. Lucky to have her in my life!

Tyler Robinson


I’m pumped to have Tyler as one of my groomsmen. Tyler and I first met in 8th grade when we were on the same baseball team, and we were virtually inseparable for the next five years, even rooming together during our freshman year of college. I probably spent more time with Tyler in high school than I did with Cara, or even my own family! Tyler always pushed me to be the best I could be, whether it was in school, baseball, or even thinking about my life long-term, and I’m so happy he’s here to celebrate such a special occasion in a relationship he saw the start of over 10 years ago.

Paiten Grosvenor


Paiten and I have always shared a special connection being the youngest of the girl cousin bunch. It's crazy to remember that I used to babysit Paiten when she was in elementary school! But even from that young age, she amazed me with her independence, intellect, and ability to tell it how it is. It's been a joy to grow up together and I can't wait to see all the amazing things that will come (which hopefully include Paiten teaching me all the Gen Z trends and keeping me young & cool forever). Straight talking, super smart, and considerate - everyone needs a Paiten in their life.

For all the days along the way
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