This is the closest hotel to the reception. (Previously Best Western) It is 8 miles or 11 minutes south of our reception. Call 715-478-4000 and ask for one of the available rooms under Jeanine Fisher. Please feel free to reach out to Zach or Jeanine if you have any questions.
This is the next closest Hotel/Lodge. It is approximately 15 miles or 20 minutes south of our reception. They offer a large number of rooms in their newer facility and would be more comfortable accommodations compared to the smaller motels closer to the venue. There is no wedding block at this location. Online reservations will open again starting March 19th. *Per their website - No guests under 18 will be permitted at this time*
Located Northeast of the reception 17 miles or 23 minutes. Take Hwy 32 from the reception right to this large Northwoods resort. *Some rooms require 2-3 night stay minimum to book* Single night options start at $171.35 Book online or by calling (715) 546-2700
Motel in downtown Crandon. Located 7 miles or about 10 minutes south of the reception. You must call to book. (715) 478-2423
Located right on the main drag in Crandon. 7 miles or 9 minutes south of the reception. You must call to book a room. (715) 478-3377
Located 7 miles or 9 minutes northwest of the reception in Hiles, WI close to the Hiles-Pine Lake Campground. You must call to book a room here. (888) 541-4150
House Or Rental Charlie's Lake Metonga Resort: (715) 478-1059 or (920) 639-6363 Sunset Beach Cabin Rentals (715) 623-5494
House Or Rental
Hiles-Pine Lake Campground: 8 miles north of our reception. 8896 W Pine Lake Rd, Argonne, WI 54511 (715) 649-3319
Rhinelander, WI is the closest airport to our wedding ceremony, reception, as well as family in Tomahawk. They offer a growing number of flights at reasonable prices.
If staying with family in the Tomahawk area, you may also want to consider flying with CWA just south of Wausau, WI. CWA May have better or comparable rates as well as a larger variety of flight times.