
Stephanie & William

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Stephanie Huff and William Poling

Brittany Huff

Maid of Honor

Brittany and Stephanie met in 1992. Steph was the protective older sister, and Britt was the carefree younger one. They have polar opposite personalities, yet share the same mannerisms, interests, inside jokes and a unique sister telepathy that still works even living 2000 miles apart. Strike up a conversation: Ravens, outdoor adventures, games

Tim Poling

Best Man

Will’s older brother, and first friend. As brothers do, Tim and Will spent their childhoods together roughhousing and arguing (sometimes). They bonded over video games, skateboarding, and obsessing over Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Indiana Jones. They later attended Towson University together and joined the same fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Katie Bennett


Katie and Stephanie met playing soccer together in high school. Katie was the social extrovert who adopted the awkward introvert, and they’ve been thriving partners in crime ever since! Strike up a conversation: holistic health & wellness, hippie stuff, her dogs, new recipes

Joey Poling


Will’s younger brother, who he is still taller than (depending on who you ask). Will and Joey spent their childhoods together denying all allegations of “screen looking” while playing Goldeneye, skateboarding, and playing with G.I. Joes.

Missy Olazagasti


Missy and Stephanie met at the University of Maryland. They didn’t know each other very well in college, but decided to trust each other enough to quit their jobs and backpack Europe together. They’ve enjoyed all of life’s adventures ever since! Strike up a conversation: tv, podcasts, breweries.

Nick O’Donnell


Nick and Will met in middle school while playing talbot lacrosse. In addition to hitting each other with lacrosse sticks, they built their friendship over boating, trucks, crabbing, grizzly long cut, and playing madden (which Will typically won).

Ashley Twardowski


Ashley and Stephanie met in the 2nd grade, playing softball and competing for the best grades in school. They were inseparable growing up, you couldn’t find one without the other! Strike up a conversation: baking, living in Europe, “dad joke” enthusiast

Carl Harris


Carl and Will met in the 3rd grade while carving bars of soap in the cub scouts. Their friendship grew over Star Wars, off-roading, fishing, and shredding on Guitar Hero.

Sarah Bailey


Sarah and Stephanie met in high school, but became good friends while coaching gymnastics together. They figured out how to balance each other’s styles and became the ultimate coaching duo! Strike up a conversation: cooking, travel, gymnastics.

Corey Fallon


Corey and Will met in middle school. Their friendship was built on Taco Bell and driving recklessly in Corey’s hatchback Mustang (sorry to our parents).

Dave Huff

Father of the Bride

Lewis Poling

Father of the Groom

Anne Huff

Mother of the Bride

Marty Huff


Founder and creator of Stephanie and Will - Marty has been there since day one. Likes: Busch light, Chase Elliot, walking on his tippy toes. Dislikes: Driving the speed limit, not backing into parking places, bad boating etiquette.

For all the days along the way
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