The airport is very close to Weston, Missouri.
This is the preferred hotel for our guests. We have a block of rooms that can be reserved at a discounted rate until March 15, 2018 by calling the hotel and mentioning our names. The hotel provides a complimentary shuttle to and from the airport. Additionally, we will provide a shuttle between the Quality Inn and the Timber Barn for the wedding/reception. Come join the fun without having to worry about who's driving.
April 14, 2018 3:00 pm - 12:30 am
We will provide shuttle service from the Quality Inn to the Timber Barn for the wedding. After the reception, the shuttle will run a loop from the Timber Barn to downtown Weston (so that you can join us at O'Malleys!), and to the Quality Inn (so that you can catch some sleep after dancing your hearts out). Details on exact timing to follow.