October 4, 2024
Chisago City, MN

Ben & Emily’s Wedding Website

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party


Maid of Honor

Melissa is Emily's sister and built-in best friend. Although they fight sometimes, as sisters often do, there is no one else who would be by Emily's side on her special day. Some of their favorite memories together are when they would go to Wisconsin to the cabin and fish, hunt, go to the ball games, four-wheel, and hang out with the friends they made there.


Best Man

Ben and Wilson met when they were 8 years old in Cub Scouts and have been best friends since. They have gone through many phases of life together including elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. From playing video games when they were kids, to watching Vikings games together as adults, they have always been like brothers and will continue to be close for many years to come.



Emily and Brianna met 10 years ago at an FFA Haunted House Event in Luck, WI. They have lived in different states for their entire friendship, but that has not stopped them from being close. They have gone through so many different phases of life together and will keep learning and growing together for many more years to come.



Ben and Tyler met in college through their fraternity. They share many common interests and discovered that they both have cabins in northern Minnesota just 15 minutes away from each other! Since then, they have spent their time hunting, fishing, boating, golfing, and playing cards. Whether they are out on the lake or walking a dirt road in the fall, they always have good times.



Riley and Emily met through DPHIE. Riley attended a recruitment event at the DPHIE house and Emily instantly knew they would be great friends. Riley is Emily's little in the sorority and they share many things in common, including their Christmas Birthdays!



Ben and Danny met in highschool where they played football together. They became even closer in college when Danny introduced him to the fraternity which Ben (and Wilson) would join and live together in the house for a few years. They spent lots of time together playing video games or watching movies. Even though they live in different states now, they still remain good friends.



Morgan and Emily joined the sorority during the same time, and were even in the same recruitment group! They became friends and quickly became each other's support through the ups and downs of college and sorority life. Some of their favorite memories together include living together, having deep conversations, and Sunday mornings, sitting around recapping the fun weekend.



Ben and Brian met and became friends in college through their fraternity. They both enjoy hunting, fishing, golfing and playing cards as well. They also were both raised on classic rock by their dads so they share a bond over great music. Ben remembers being in the fraternity house one night and hearing someone connected to the speakers blasting “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”. When he found Brian connected to the speakers, he knew they would be good friends.



Jess joined the sorority a year after Emily and they became quick friends. Emily would often pick Jess up from the dorms for late-night taco bell runs or to go hang out at the sorority house. From living together, going to parties, or just hanging out, they always had a good time together!



Ben and Mikey met in college when Mikey joined the fraternity. They both share a great sense of humor and are two hilarious guys. They have shared many good laughs over the years. They also bonded over their dedication to the Minnesota Vikings, even though they continue to bet let down every single year. You can find Ben and Mikey in a dimly lit dive bar watching their favorite team on Sundays.



McKayla is Emily’s step sister and has been in her life since they were kids. McKayla has always been a support for Emily and has definitely helped her so much during the wedding process. Some of Emily’s favorite memories with McKayla is when they (& Melissa) would play ghosts in the graveyard at the deer shack or ride their bikes around Elk River to Joann Fabrics to buy new crafts.



Ben and Gage also met in college through their fraternity. Gage introduced Ben to the finer things in life like Game of Thrones, GreenMill, and disregarding other people’s opinions. Throughout college they enjoyed playing video games and watching sports. NFL Sundays were tense in a house divided, but they are still good friends despite Gage being a packers fan and Ben a Vikings fan.

For all the days along the way
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