"Nice to see you're being humble." That's all it took! HaHa Recently a co-worker asked me what my favorite thing about Eric was, and I instantly had a flash-back to this moment. Eric has repeatedly displayed his genuine leadership and love to build-up others since the moment I met him. If you haven't heard the story, please do come ask us at our wedding. We never get tired of telling the story of how we met.
This beautiful woman has been my best friend and biggest supporter since early on. I remember her ignoring me the first time I met her, which was ok with me (though I wasn't going to give up that easy)! July 4th, 2017 we had our first date and I think we both knew that something special was happening. We walked away with the same question, "Did I just have my last first-date?"
Best Man
Greg and I met at Skyline. He was trying to get plugged into Skyline and I invited him to join small groups with me. Little did I know that our friendship would grow and he would be the one plugging everyone else into the church, or just into community with one another. Greg has been my best friend for a short time, but it seems like we’ve built a foundation that has and will last a lifetime.
Maid of Honor
Chelsea and I met at a BBQ at our Church, Skyline last year. Her passion for ministry abroad quickly became a common interest and thus the friendship began! She is one of the most refreshing people you will ever meet!
Weston and I met while doing ministry at SDSU. He is a pastor who is fired up about ministry, people, and sports. He is one of the reasons I even got the Graphic Designer job at Skyline. His friendship has been nothing short of a blessing and I’m so grateful to have a friend/pastor like him.
Lisa is my little sister. In high school she used to keep a picture of me on her binder. It was a pretty cool feeling at the time to see that someone looked up to me. But as I have grown, I have come to see Lisa as my biggest role model in life. I hope you get a chance to meet her on our special day. She means the world to me.
Brodaz and I met at Skyline as well. We both were hired at the same time so we instantly had to stick together and make our way through the ranks. David has been one of my closest friends since working at Skyline and he truly is a brother that I can count on for answers, wisdom, and encouragement!
Nicole and I have been good friends since High School. Though we knew of each other freshman year, it was not until Spanish class Sophmore year that we became good friends. Nicole seems shy when you first meet her, but she cannot hide her humor forever. I think my favorite thing about Nicole, is that the girl can eat! She is always up for trying something new. There is nothing I can't share with this girl. She is an absolute gem!
I met Ray at SDSU while we served at the Rock’s 1825 Ministry. He has been with me through my college years and helped me in so many ways, whether it has been moving or making a life-long dream of mine come true (going to a MLB all-star game). Ray and I don’t always agree on sports, being fans of division rival teams (Dodgers and Padres), but we agree that we have a friendship that has been a blessing.
In my first weeks at Skyline Church, I attended a Women's group where I heard Christina speak. Weeks later, Eric asked me a random question as we were trying to get to know each other, "What are your goals by the end of the year?" "Become best friends with Christina Ghosn." haha I was so serious too! Her friendship has been nothing short of a blessing. If the saying is true, 'You become like the 5 people you hang out with most', then I am proud to be friends with Miss Ghosn!
My younger brother and friend. I love this guy and am honored to call him my brother. He has a kind and gentle heart and loves to make people laugh. He is an amazing self-taught musician and a genuinely nice guy that makes anyone feel welcome.
Lord oh Lord, I have known this woman for as long as I can remember. Kayla and I met in Kindergarten. And though I moved 8 hours away from our friendship in 6th grade, we have managed to stay friends through this crazy thing called life. Through hand-written letters, MYSPACE, and long trips, we have built a friendship that will last a lifetime. If you hear an infectious laugh from across the room, it will be Kayla!
I think everyone knows Russell is the intern prodigy. I also think everyone has heard Russell tell the story of how we met, if you don’t know it you should ask! He always has a smile on his face and a witty comment for everything. He has been like a little brother to me. His connection to Leah and I could possibly be the reason that Leah and I met! Could be... we won’t give him all the credit though, gotta keep him humble! ;)
Gabi is Eric's little sister. The first time I met Gabi was on a soccer field. Boy was I out of shape! Turns out, back in the day, she played for my high school soccer team's rival school, Valhalla. I did not remember playing her, but I like to think Steele Canyon must have won (;
I haven’t known Benny for too long, but what I do know is that his passion and drive to grow is incredible. He is someone I will truly lean on for spiritual guidance and prayer in the future! He is constantly encouraging me to deepen my faith and pushes me to learn and develop into the man I need to be for the Kingdom.
Once upon a time, I was a lonely lost freshman at CSU Stanislaus. Bertha took me under her wing and walked me through the ups and downs of college life; helping me pick out classes, find the local ice cream shop, and bandaging up my self-inflicted wounds. I will never forget the time that I ran from my dorm room to hers because I had smacked myself in the head by accident with a hot clothing iron! The number of stories I have with this woman are too many to count! I cannot wait for you to meet her!
Leo is Leah’s brother whom I met at a movie showing at Greg’s house. It was the first of many Star Wars nights to come for Leah and I. Leo isn’t afraid to speak his mind and is as sarcastic as they come, which is why I think he is cool!
Monica is Eric's older sister! I have always been the oldest sibling in my family, so I am so excited to gain a big sister this July 6th. I am so hoping her husband Jim will be able to return from deployment for our special day.
Junior Groomsman
My little buddy, I love this kid so much! Hunter is my little cousin and a superstar on the baseball diamond. Ever since he was able to speak he called me his brother and I’ve been so excited to pour into his life in a positive way. I’m honored to have him in the wedding party and am so excited to continue to help him grow into an amazing athlete with a heart full of love and faith!
Junior Bridesmaid
I had the pleasure of meeting Olivia last year upon meeting Eric's extended family. My first thought, "This 12-year-old girl is cooler than me! Most people are, but Olivia is simply the coolest.” I am not sure she knows it either? She is incredibly humble and such a fun sweet girl! I am so excited to gain another cousin and see her grow up!
Ring Security
“With great power comes great responsibility.” My friend Ryan has the biggest job of them all. He must securely deliver the rings to Greg so that the covenant may be sealed. We are counting on him and know that he is the perfect little dude for the job! Get too close and he just might "RAWR"!
Flower Girl
This little sour patch kid was asking about marriage before the proposal ever happened! When she met Eric, she asked if he was married to Leah because the two were holding hands. She liked him right away and immediately associated him with Prince Eric from the film Little Mermaid. To her surprise, his name really was Eric. And Eric really was Leah's prince charming.
Eric: Alex is a pastor/friend whom I have known since our days at the Rock Church. Alex always has a smile on his face and was a pleasure working alongside at Skyline. He is probably the kindest and most gentle-hearted guy I know. Leah and I are excited to have him officiate our wedding! Leah: I know Alex from Skyline, though Alex is now helping build a new church called Captivate in Point Loma area. The first time I attended Skyline church, I felt awkward and unsure. But after hearing Alex give a sermon on my favorite story in the Bible, Jonah, I knew God had found me a home-church. Alex and his fellow team are truly anointed and we cannot wait to visit Captivate church this Fall.