January 25, 2025
Corryton, TN

E R I C & L E A H








January 25, 2025

Corryton, TN

The Story: Episode I


Last Christmas, Eric “forgot” the apple cider at his house. Thankfully, I knew we still had enough time to get it and be on time for the gift exchange at his relative’s house. No need to deal with the craziness of a grocery store on Christmas Day when Eric already had the bottles at his place. Already en route to the Handley's home, we returned to Eric's apartment for the drinks. As we were leaving his apartment, he noticed that he had a missed call from his friend Greg. By the time we returned to the car, Eric had another missed call. I told him, “You should call him back. Why would Greg keep calling on Christmas day?” When Eric called, Greg answered and explained that he had locked his keys in his car and that Eric had the only spare key! Naturally, we made a pit stop before heading to our Christmas festivities. But when we parked, Greg was nowhere in sight. Eric asked me to get out of the car. Bewildered as to why I was needed to pass off a key, I got out of the car. Eric had a Bible in his hand and a HUGE smile on his face! … I started piecing things together. Once I recognized that we were at the Spruce Street Bridge (the place Eric had taken me on our first date), I knew something was up! Before I knew it, Eric “dropped me off” with Greg, who also had the goofiest smile on his face. Obviously, Greg was not having car problems. My curiosity was peaking, but before I could drill my friend with questions, he told me to read the note tied to the bridge. Perplexed, I turned my focus from the crowd at the end of the bridge, and focused in on the little card tied to the side of the path Eric had just disappear through. Inside the card with a cross was a scripture. And in that moment I lost all awareness of where I was. All I knew was that there were six more cards between me and the man of my dreams, and I could feel God’s presence all around. I just had to stop and thank Him for the beautiful moment. 1 John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.”

Episode II


When I got to the second card, there was an image on the outside that looked like Skyline. Eric had worked at this Church for about three years as a graphic designer. I had been trying to find a church home for some time when I stumbled across Skyline. Alex had given a message on Jonah that hit home and I decided to give it another shot when I returned from Israel. I met two awesome girls, Shasta and Raquel. We were all conveniently new to the church and didn’t know anyone! So naturally we sat together. We were in mid-song when the worship leader invited the church to come down and take communion whenever we were ready. The young man standing in front of us turned to his left to go take communion, but his friend was still singing. So he turned to his right and his other friend was still in mid-worship. So to my surprise, he proceeded to jump over the seat in front of him and run down the aisle to take communion! I’ll never forget this moment, because this young man quickly became a friend. And boy was he a character! If you know Russell ... you know that I am clearly understating his awesome personality! Russell told Shasta and I that he was an artist and did a lot of artwork for the church. He was really enjoying talking himself up, until another tall young man walked up behind him. The taller man put his hand on Russell’s shoulder, and with a playful yet fatherly voice he said, “Glad to hear you’re being humble.” … And that’s how I met Eric! He was very polite and even tried to start a conversation with me. But at the time I was trying to grow a community with other like-minded women and wasn’t interested. With that being said, Skyline has been an incredible place to grow. I was pushed to let go of my fears, discovered how to enrich my friendship in Christ, and experienced what community is all about--I even found a husband! 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind.”

Episode III


It’s been a running joke since we started dating to be bold. But Eric truly was so BOLD when he showed up at my work last summer in Mission Beach. At the time, I thought he was trying to recruit me to attend his church. But that night we talked about our hard walks with Jesus and he didn’t flinch when I shared my daughter’s story with him. We talked about music while when he drove me back to my car. When he told me K-Love was too “poppy,” I almost shut the door and never talked to him again! (I’m so glad I didn’t.) But then I was introduced to his collection of worship music. For some reason I had never experienced Hillsong or Bethel or really anything other than Christian Radio music. And then ... Eric did something even more bold than showing up at my work ... He told me to raise my voice to God... AND I DID! Why on earth I did that, I have no clue. I didn’t even know the lyrics (or Eric for that matter!) But Eric pulled them up on his phone and sang with me. We were probably so off-key, but it’s moments like this I fall back on and think about how God was rerouting me to something I could have never have experienced without faith, courage, or boldness. Thank you Father, for this Divine Romance. Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Episode IV


When my parents gave me tickets to the Del Mar Fair, I invited a bunch of friends from church. Never did I anticipate all of the girls not being able to come. But of course Russell, Greg, and Eric showed up. I will admit, Eric did show me some attention by sitting next to me on all the rides, I still couldn’t help but feel friend zoned! He was fixated on pushing me to become a leader at our church and I was resisting. Still, he was encouraging and he didn’t seem show any interest in me in “that way.” He was so evangelical and so in love with God, it almost seemed there was no room for me! It’s funny hearing Eric’s version of that day. (You should ask him!) Apparently, he tried holding my hand at one point! Which I don’t recall. But with Greg as his witness, I rest my case. And I cannot deny that he won me a prize at this baseball fair game! The fourth card he gave me represented this day at the fair--the day we almost experienced the friend-zone! Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”

Episode V


This fifth card, was a picture of a gate. Still on the bridge, I laughed like the world consisted of just us two. This card represented one of my goofy moments that God turned into something beautiful! Have you had one of those days where you have to pause between work and home to let off some steam? I experienced one such day last summer, and stopped at Skyline after my shift, before reuniting with my family. It was a summer night, so it didn’t get dark until late. I found a quiet place to go pray at Church. But the sun seemed to go down quicker than I expected, and I had to make my way to my car early. To my surprise, the facilities guys had locked the parking lot gates. I was stuck inside the church parking lot! I had no idea this was possible. I drove back to my parking spot and called Russell. When he didn’t answer, I called Greg. These two were the only people who might be able to help me in my one of many blonde moments. After Greg laughed at me and cracked a few jokes about fishing me out with a helicopter, he said he would call Eric. I tried to oppose but I didn’t want to be rude. Eric had been nothing but welcoming and encouraging since I started going to Skyline. However I just wasn’t sure I wanted him to know about this embarrassing episode. That night Eric came back to Skyline after working there all day. Not only did he help me out, but he suddenly had all kinds of things to talk about! We talked about everything--failures, aspirations, faith, family, friends, music, etc.! That night I knew he “like-liked” me. And a small part of me … “like-liked” him too. 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

Episode VI


The new chapter, Irvine, has been an amazing test of courage for us. We left our comfortable life in San Diego to embark on a new journey. I left not knowing when Eric would be able to join me. It was difficult to go from excited and engaged, to moving far away and trying to plan a wedding. Distance would not have the last laugh though! We knew that somehow God would provide the open doors necessary for us to reunite, and two months later Eric received a job offer from Harvest Church, which happens to be right down the street from my job at Ambassador Advertising! The transition has consistently brought us challenges between health, family, and geographical mishaps, but we are so thankful for the life God is shaping all around us. Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.”

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