When booking, please request the group rate for the Schoenig-Magnone Wedding, or use the group code "MSW" to get our group rate.
Discount Code - MSW
When booking, please mention Schoenig-Magnone Wedding Block to get our group rate.
Discount Code - Schoenig-Magnone Wedding Block
House Or Rental
If you prefer not to stay in either of the hotel blocks, there are VRBO and AIRBNB options. We recommend trying to stay near the downtown or Belmont area to be close to the action! Ubers will likely be available from downtown areas, but may not be available from our venue after the reception. Cars may be left overnight at the venue. Feel free to reach out to Laura if you have questions about where to book rentals!
September 24, 2022 4:45 pm - 11:00 pm
Each hotel has one shuttle bus, which will depart at 4:45 pm to the venue. If you are staying local but have requested transportation, please utilize the Comfort Inn shuttle. There is not room for local guests on the Hilton Garden Inn shuttle. Post-reception shuttles will go to both hotels.
The Charlottesville airport is about 25 minutes (8 to 9 miles) from our hotels. Neither hotels are currently offering shuttle services, but uber/lyft are available.