Please help us be good neighbors with the other airport tenants and review this parking diagram prior to your arrival at Ottawa Executive Airport. Thank you!
From old mining strips to Route 66, our first cross-country trip was packed full of new adventures.
Just a few months after we started dating, we decided to buy an airplane & fly it from CA to FL. It took 4 days and to this day, is one of our favorite memories together.
Our first Christmas included the purchase of yet another flying toy & our first trip to Disney!
We've been on far too many adventures to count in this plane, but this photo in particular is from overflying shipwrecks & visiting Charleston.
One long weekend we decided to road trip the entirety of the coat of FL - Daytona to Key West through the everglades and back up the other side!
OUR ENGAGEMENT - Christmas Eve; the year we obtained yet another flying toy for Christmas (anyone sensing a theme?)
Daytona Beach - the place we fell in love.
Our first hangar!
Our first Oshkosh! For those that don't know, Oshkosh is a week long gathering of pilots for airshows, static planes, workshops, etc.
One of our first family photos. Our kitten found us, waiting outside our apartment door one morning.
We flew into Mackinac Island! One of the most unique cities in MI - transportation is limited to horse-drawn carriage!