Hebrew Vocab
Curious to speak the language? We've compiled some of the most important words for you to know!
“Shalom”: (Sha-lom): Hi, hello; goodbye
“Boker tov”: (Bo-ker tov): Good morning
“Erev tov”: (Er-ev tov): Good evening
“Ani [name]”: (Ah-nee): My name is __.
“Toda”: (Toe-da): Thank you
“Bevakasha”: (Bev-ak-ah-sha): You’re welcome
“At medaberet Anglit?” - for women / “Ata medaber Anglit?” - for men: Do you speak English?
“Loh”: No
“Ken”: Yes
“Ktsat”: (Ket-sat): A little
“Ma?”:What? Come again?
“Ani lo medaberet Ivrit” (women) / “Ani lo medaber Ivrit” (men): I do not speak Hebrew.
“Slicha”: (Slee-cha) (hard “ch”) : Excuse me; sorry.
“Eifo rehov [street name]”: (Eh-foe re-hov): Where is __?
“Poh”: There
“Yalla”: (Yah-lah): “Hurry up!”; “OK”
“Kama ze ole?”: (Kah-mah zeh oh-ley): How much is it?
“Ha-mispar sheli [number]”: My number is _.