June 24, 2023
5829 Billings Rd Parkdale, OR 97041

Cara & Colin

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

Hannah Williams

Maid of Honor

Sister of the Bride. Having a sister you have an instant best friend from day one. Like most sibling we have our ups and downs but in the end she always has my back. Hannah is always down for a new adventure and has a smile you cannot forget. When hanging out you can usually find Hannah and Cara having a play date with their dogs.

Janae Yamamoto

Matron of Honor

We have been friends since freshman year of high school. Becoming best friends end of Junior year and the rest is history. Leaving us with many adventures with stories we share and ones we're taking to our graves. Janae is one of the most genuine people I know. She is one of my greatest supporters and has become family. Not to mention great at slinging cocktails and quite a brunch enthusiast.

Franchesca Ybarra


My bad ass Women Welding Engineer! From hangouts at the Ybarra home, Frannie quickly became like a little sister to me. We have had many adventures together. However sleeping under the stars at my parents and just talking life are my favorite moments. Frannie is one of the kindest people I know and has an infectious laugh I hope you all will get to hear.

Samantha Munkelwitz


Sorority sister. You will most likely hear us calling each other big and little. This wine sipping gal and I quickly became friends from all the random things we had in common, like our love of boy bands. However it was Samantha honesty and confidence to stay true to herself that made this friendship a rare gem. I'm lucky to have this caring lady in my corner.

Adrianna Bradley


Sorority sister. Our friendship started by my suitemates saying Adrianna would be a good roommate for our suite. I hadn't yet met her, so I introduced myself and said want to be my roommate? She said yes and the connection was instant. Living together I found out what a genuine, soft hearted, and strong women Adrianna was. Living with me is no easy task, however nothing can replace the amount of laughter and memories we shared.

Brian Heng

Best Man

Best friends since freshman year of high school. Me and this guy have been through almost every adventure together. One of the funniest, most honest and genuine individuals I have ever known. The Heng family are the closest thing I have to another family and Brian certainly being the brother I never had growing up. Brian enjoys crushing beers, cooking and anything that involves a fishing pole or hunting rifle.

Jason Yamamoto


Met through Cara's friend/matron of honor Janae. Instantly became a brother from another mother and one of my closest friends. He and I just clicked and he has really welcomed me as a friend and family, even going as far as to say he will take me over Cara should Cara and I not work out. Jason likes karaoke and a good "old fasioned". Jason is the life of the party and has one of the most contagious personalities. You will see.

Chad Myers


Met Chad through Jason/Janae and welcomed me as one of the boys. Chad is one of the most humble and charismatic fellows I have ever had the privilege to call my friend. His beard alone is legendary and his laugh is well lets say unique. Chad enjoys beer and beautiful ladies. A true hunk of a beautiful man. The Chad

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