
Hailey & Bradley

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the people who have shaped who we are today and have a special place in our hearts.

Heather Hester

Matron of Honor

It is kind of hard to write a brief bio about your best friend of 18 years, but let me give it a try. I met Heather back in 6th grade. Neither one of us are really sure how the friendship began, but I can tell you we haven’t stopped laughing since that day. Heather is the funniest, kindest, most loyal person I know. We may live 1600 miles apart, but I never feel the distance. We go days without talking and then spend hours on FaceTime catching up. I am so honored to have Heather as my matron of honor. We have been dreaming of this day since 6th grade.

Kathryn Springsteen

Maid of Honor

Kate, also known as “Spruce,” and I have been best friends since college. She transferred to Belmont Abbey our junior year and we have been inseparable since. Kate is truly a ray of sunshine in my life and I wouldn’t be who I am today without her influence.

Wesley Sapp


Wesley and I have grown up together our whole lives- literally she’s my cousin and only five months younger than me. While she didn’t want to play Barbie’s with me when we were younger, we have been besties our whole lives. From our annual beach trips where we made YouTube videos together to going out with one another in college, Wesley and I always have a great time together. We have been dreaming of our wedding days since we were little girls and now we get to stand with each other on our special days.

Kelsey Scherlis


Kelsey was my first Denver friend when I moved back in 2017. I was searching for a chiropractor and found one close to my job. When I called the office, I thought the receptionist had a really cool voice. Long story short, the receptionist was Kelsey and we quickly hit it off. We started going out together and truly living the single life in Denver. As fate would have it, she found her now husband, and I became their third wheel. Fast forward to today and now I get to fourth wheel with her husband and son, Tate. It’s rare to meet a friend in your late 20’s who is a ride or die. I cannot imagine my life without Kelsey and her family.

Rachael “Cox” Duncan


Cox is another Belmont Abbey soccer friend who lived in my suite freshman year. We spent freshman year breaking dry season and going out all the time together. Cox was always there to be my bad influence and get me out of my shell. We both majored in psychology and ended up having almost every class together. This meant we also studied together all of the time. I wouldn’t have been able to make it through college if it wasn’t for Cox’s constant support- not only with academics but also with life. No matter what is going on in life, I know I can call Cox and she will answer. We may go months without talking and when we are together, it’s like we never spent time apart. Also, no I will never call her by her real name. She is forever “Cox.”

Paige Foxhall


Paige is our dog sitter.

Alyssa Freeman


Alyssa is going to be my future sister-in-law! Although marriage will officially make us family, Alyssa and I have been building our own bond for years now. I feel blessed for the friendship and confidant that I have found in Alyssa and look forward to the many years ahead as family.

Morgan Wood


Morgan is my loving, spirited sister who has my back no matter what, so of course, I’d want her to be by my side during my most special day.

Delilah Howard


Delilah, who is Heather’s daughter, is my built-in bestie. Since the moment she entered this world, my life has been better. Lilah bug is a hoot to be around. She’s intelligent, spunky, and beautiful. She never fails to make me laugh or say “you’re so much like your mom.” Just like Heather, I cannot imagine my wedding day without Delilah.

Dylan Meredith

Best Man

Dylan is the most influential friend I've ever had. I met Dylan in college and his outlook on "who we are" helped to form who I am today. His understanding of "how a good life should be lived" is something that I think about daily. He is, in almost every way, the exact opposite of who I am... yet still connects with me on every level. I used to tell people that there is no small talk with Dylan... "you are about to have the most intense conversation of your life"... and that conversation style is what I strive to create with all important individuals I know.

Jarrett Eller

Best Man

Jarrett is the guy who is always willing to drive the hour+ from Colorado Springs through Denver traffic to hangout (for those not from CO, that is borderline psychotic)! We've been friends since high school, and he has always been the guy to make sure we have a good time! He is WAY worse than me at video games, but makes up for it by ALWAYS keeping his cool when we've all failed the objective. He's one of the most important people I know and I don't see my life without him as a friend! **side note for the ladies: He reads 3 books a month, he owns a house, he hits the gym everyday, he has a husky named Nylla, and he's got a killer job. You can get his number at the wedding.

Everett Tosetti


World Traveler, Big Boy Doctor, and 10/10 awkward smiler! Everett is the college buddy who rented out our downstairs closet for a 12 pack of light beer (for 6 months.. the dude saved thousands). He is intelligent beyond his mustache, and has convinced the the Navy he is worth a med school degree! The man has it all! **Side note, everyone email your personal medical questions to him. He loves that.

Sam Charlson


Highschool best friend, college roommate, and video-game comrade. Sam is my go-to person for all facts I didn't need to know! Saint-Sam is the loveable man who is always happy... except when he loses an online game ;)

Phoenix Dugger


College best friend, first-year out of college co-delinquent, and my go-to guy for overly expensive watches. Phoenix is the phenomenon in the room that makes you question if you are living out a fever-dream... and at the same time give you the best life advice you needed. As a man who's hat size is always a "custom-order", I would have been a different man during my formative years if i didn't meet you. Thanks my guy!

Jameson Newcombe


Fraternity little-brother and at this point just brother! Jameson is my main portal to the world of Gen-Z; from Kaws to Supreme, I know nothing, but get street-cred by standing next to him! Jame-O is the guy in the room who has no fear telling you exactly what's on his mind!

Bradford Stahl


Artist, Cook, and Wild Card! Bradford is the man that can U-turn your conversation into topics like: Gochujang, Yugo-Slavian war-time Music, or the current migration pattern of Canadian Geese. He is a college best-friend that has always brought life to the party. So give it up for the man that makes you wonder if his phone's SIM card is actually connected to the Grid, *Drumroll please*, B-Ford! In all seriousness, I love this dude's company, and his ability to dive deep into some of the most bizarre hobbies on the planet! **For the Gamblers at the wedding: The current odds for Bradford bursting out into tears is +230.

Nate Rhine


College best-friend, man of culture (we are still figuring out which), and lover of all things sports**. Nate makes the party continue to roll with out-of-pocket podcast references and business ideas that rivel groundbreaking inventions such as the NFT. He is the breathe of fresh air when things get boring, and one of my favorite dude's to shoot the poop with. **The spectacle that is Nate can be summed up in a quote he told me once, " I don't even play video games, I just like watching Esports."

Chris Watson


As one of my first Denver exclusive friends, Chris is a one of a kind hipster (he's a cool Oregon one, not a 2013 Rayband one) that always makes sure I don't skip a group event! He is a deep thinker with some of the most unique talents I've ever seen! I appreciate this dude and always enjoy our time bonding over the most random things. You can catch this man playing indie games suitable to only an arcade audience, listening to the Grateful Dead's WILD 1972 set, or deep diving into a tutorial on a food dish no-one can pronounce.

For all the days along the way
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