For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at Hampton Inn Charlotte-Belmont @ Montcross. This hotel is about 25 minutes from the venue, but about 5 minutes from post-wedding events. Please use the following link to reserve your room online; you can also call the hotel directly at (704) 825-6100. Please reference "BDW" if you are reserving over the phone. Please be sure to book your room by 8/20/2024 in order to receive the discounted rate.
Travel Note
For alternative accommodations, please click "view" below to find a list of potential Airbnb's you can stay at. Most of these Airbnb rentals are 20-25 minutes away from the venue and range from Gastonia, Belmont, and Lake Wylie. If you venture outside of the list, I would advise looking at the map of where I saved some homes so you can stay within that 20-25-minute travel window. Note: If you are wanting to stay at an Airbnb, please try to reserve by August.
Flying into Charlotte is going to be your best option. Rental cars and ubers are in abundance there.
Rental Car
If you are flying in for the wedding, I would highly suggest a rental car to get to the venue. Ubers and Lyfts can be utilized for events taking place in Belmont; However, the Ubers and Lyfts may not be avaliable Saturday evening when the reception is over.