September 8, 2018
Rustic, CO

Sarah & Andrew

    Falling in Love Wearing Red Helmets

Falling in Love Wearing Red Helmets

Climbing in Telluride to celebrate being engaged for three months!
Climbing in Telluride to celebrate being engaged for three months!
Luxmore Mt, New Zealand
Engaged for less then 48 hours.
Luxmore Mt, New Zealand Engaged for less then 48 hours.
Their 2nd first date in 2012: Climbing in ElDo Canyon.
Their 2nd first date in 2012: Climbing in ElDo Canyon.
The 1st first date: 2009
Climbing Quandary Peak, a 14,000 foot mountain
The 1st first date: 2009 Climbing Quandary Peak, a 14,000 foot mountain
Time Square for the Ball Drop to bring in 2010. Sarah and Andrew broke up a month prior to this trip but went anyways. Both agree that this trip saved their friendship.
Time Square for the Ball Drop to bring in 2010. Sarah and Andrew broke up a month prior to this trip but went anyways. Both agree that this trip saved their friendship.
Chilling in Nevada: 2014
Chilling in Nevada: 2014
Glacier ice climbing date in Alaska: 2015
Glacier ice climbing date in Alaska: 2015
Biking in Seattle: 2013
Biking in Seattle: 2013
City of Rocks, Idaho: 2013
City of Rocks, Idaho: 2013
Yosemite, CA: 2013
Yosemite, CA: 2013
For all the days along the way
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