ANDY: After about 15 hours of travel, Mik had finally arrived in London. We had grown so comfortable with each other over the past 6 weeks after matching on a dating app, adjusting sleep schedules to allow more time for video calls and texting throughout the day about anything. Yet, for all the familiarity between us, we were about to meet each other for the first time. MIK: It came as a surprise (and yet, no surprise) that when Andy said hello, gave me a kiss, and then took my bags, it felt like I was returning home.
ANDY: Long-distance, an 8-hour time difference, and weak Wi-Fi connections make for frustrating attempts at conversation! We must have dropped 100 calls before I landed in Phoenix. - on 14 March, 2020. - the DAY AFTER the US border shut down to UK visitors. We had an amazing time, though, visited Sedona, I met some of you guys, and Mik and I started talking about settling in England. MIK: While Andy was no longer allowed to enter the US, I was allowed into the UK and we took advantage of the work-from-home requirements. Covid lockdowns meant our version of dating was just essentially living together and we were both okay with that! Everything was up in the air, we never knew if UK borders would shut, so each visit was precious. Henry, our dog, became the actor for those emotions that adult humans learn to subdue: crazy, running-all-over-the-place excitement when I arrived and heartbreaking grief when I packed to leave. Several times he'd steal away with socks from my suitcase... I imagine he was trying to foil my attempts to leave, but the pup really loves socks in general. ANDY: By her 2nd visit to the UK, we were planning how to shorten the distance between us permanently. In July, I proposed and she said yes! Obviously, I mean, we're having a wedding...
MIK: While I was in AZ trying to work through the visa application process, Andy was in the UK clearing space in the house in anticipation of my move. When the approval finally came through... neither of us can even begin to describe the relief and excitement we felt. We could finally start our lives together. BOTH: For now, we're all still in the midst of Covid uncertainties, but as restrictions ease, we look forward to our shared experiences. - this wedding with our loved ones, concerts, comedy gigs, travel, friendships, and eventually, our own little family.