October 23, 2021
Rochelle, VA

Amanda & Seth

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family who are walking down the isle with us.

Taylor Weiss

Man of Honor

Taylor and I met freshman year of college in our English Myths Course. We've remained very close throughout college and as we started our careers. So close in fact that we've lived together twice! With his impeccable taste and elegance, I'm happy to have him as my Man of Honor.

Brennon Hayes

Best Man

Way back in third grade, Brennon told me his mother knew my mother and they asked if we could be friends. 15 years later he's my best man and I couldn't imagine life without him.

Abby Su


We met in Statistics 101 and bonded over our professor who though Apple Trees would explain away any issues we had with stats. Spoiler - I'm still confused. I am not confused, however, about the fun we have meeting up and talking about life, boys, and careers. I'm happy to have her support and friendship as I start on a new adventure with my (soon-to-be) husband.

Alex McKinnon


Alex is my big brother and has always been an inspiration whether he knows it or not. I'm happy to have my best friend through thick and thin stand with me on my wedding day.

Matt McGuire


We were both young when I first saw you (~1 day old and ~2 years old), but I still remember meeting you for the first time. I can't imagine having a bridal party without you in it, thank you for saying yes to being my Bride's-Gentleman.

Ashley McGuire


They say that the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, but you're so cool that I'd ask you to be a bridesmaid even if you weren't my sister. Thanks for always being there on family vacations, forced family fun, and finally at my wedding to the love of my life.,

Justin Walters-Krumme


For all the days along the way
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