

We really appreciate you coming all the way to Italy to celebrate with us. We don't expect gifts or money. We have lived in sin together for three years so do not want to encourage unnecessary household purchases (also... I'd never subject someone to having to buy from a Swiss registry - major rip off)! If you would like to you are welcome to donate to our honeymoon fund. Alternatively, we'd love for you to donate to the charity from which we got Niko, Zampa nel Cuore - linked below. If you there is something physical you specifically want to gift us, we will be delighted of course, but we do not expect it. Bank details If GBP: Name: Thomas Murphy Account number: 47745789 Sort code: 04-00-75 If EUR: Name: Thomas Murphy IBAN: GB79 REVO 0099 7071 5149 11 BIC: REVOGB21 If CHF: Name: Thomas Murphy IBAN: CH37 0483 5284 2385 2300 0 Sort code: CRESCHZZ80A Zampa Nel Cuore Italia: http://www.zampanelcuoreitalia.com/come-aiutarci/ let us know if you donate... we'll be so happy
For all the days along the way
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