8:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Cocktail Attire: Wear cocktail dresses, LBDs, dressy jumpsuits, and dark jackets and slacks.
Se requiere vestimenta de cocktail
1:15 pm
Semi-Formal: Tuxes and gowns are welcome, and so are suits and cocktail dresses.
Vestimenta formal/semi-formal. White and similar colors are reserved for the bride. El color blanco y similares están reservados solo para la novia.
2:30 pm
Includes appetizers, main meal, party and dinner/incluye aperitivo, comida principal, baile y cena
Semi-Formal: Tuxes, gowns, suits, and cocktail dresses are welcome. Vestimenta formal/semi-formal. White and similar colors are reserved for the bride. El color blanco y similares están reservados para la novia. Before the meal, some appetizers will be served outside (if it's not raining) or inside (if it's raining) Antes de la comida, se servirá un aperitivo en el exterior (si no llueve) o en el interior (si llueve).
10:00 am
If you are staying at the hotel, pick the room WITH breakfast included. Si te quedas en el hotel, coge la habitación con DESAYUNO incluido. (El desayuno/brunch esta incluido cogiendo la habitación con desayuno del hotel por email o teléfono).
Casual Attire: Anything goes, from sundresses and sandals to jeans and tees. Vestimenta casual.