
Future Mr. and Mrs. Zajac

    Hotel & Travel

Hotel & Travel

Below is the hotel option: The Holiday Inn - Newton, NJ is the closest stay being 10 minutes away. A shuttle will be provided to and from the hotel. Please make sure you read the Uber update. Getting an Uber TO the venue won't be an issue, but we know from experience that getting an Uber BACK to your home is not possible. This is just due to the area and lack of available cars.


The Holiday Inn

8 N Park Drive
Newton, NJ 07860

Please click “View” below and it will take you directly to the booking link for the correct hotel. It will auto set the dates to 4/26-4/28, so if you are staying for just one night - please adjust the dates to get 1 night.

Discount Code - ZNW

Travel Note

Uber Update

In this area, Ubers are hard to get and rare to find past 9 pm and even earlier. If you are not staying at the hotel and want to have a fun night of dancing and drinking, please make sure you arrange proper transportation or have a designated driver for the night.

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