September 24, 2022
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Kristen & Chris

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the people! Bear with us, it's a big party.

Emily Harman

Maid of Honor

KY: Emily and I have known each other since freshman year of high school. I don't fully remember what we first bonded over, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with musicals. Since then she's been stuck with me! My favorite thing about Emily is that even though we haven't lived in the same city since we graduated high school (don't worry about how long ago that was), we've still remained as close as ever. I love you Dr. Em!

Kaylyn Hudson

Maid of Honor

KY: Kaylyn and I met in high school and were friends but became besties after we both graduated college and were in Tally together again. We started going to Zumba and the rest is history! One thing about Kaylyn is big or small, she is there for you. If you are dying or if you just want some Chickfila, she will drop what she is doing and make sure it's taken care of. Her infectious energy is something I am PUMPED to have at our wedding!

Autumn Spell


KY: Autumn and I met at a church party and pretty much instantly became friends. We did so much of our adult life together and she will forever be a huge part of my life. She always asked the tough but necessary questions, and she always did anything for me. We talked about this for so long, and even though she’s not physically here with us, I know she’s looking down and partying it up with us 💛

Makenzi Spell


KY: Makenzi and I met through Autumn, and even though I was jealous because Kenz has the literal voice of an angel, I knew we were going to be good friends. Kenz is the one I do all my dumb bits with, while Autumn and Shell sit in the living room just watching it happen. We always have propa banta and I know I'll neva get the ick of being her friend. Can't wait for her to just be an usher at my wedding!

Claire McCleskey


KY: My first memory of Claire is our friend Allison telling me and other people at the tailgate that her friend Claire saved us seats at the game, and these seats happened to be the 1st and 2nd row. I immediately knew Claire and I would be friends because if she was that dedicated to good seats for football then she is my people. We've stayed close even when I was still in Florida and she was a big shot in New York, and now we can visit each other more!

Michelle (Shell) Peterson


KY: In college I decided that me and Shell were going to be friends and that was that. I basically forced myself into her life and whether it was seeing movies that I sobbed in or crafting whatever we felt like, Shell was always down. Shell and I have stayed up many a nights painting, watching countless Hallmark things, and eating lots of food. She was one of the ones that got me through my senior year, and she has been a big part of Philly. Couldn't do it without her! and her delicious baked goods :D

Faithe Zoda


KY: At an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes...I know what y'all are thinking) meeting freshman year of high school Faithe and I partnered up and became accountability partners and never stopped. Even though we were in different cities after we graduated, every time Faithe and I talk it's like we never stopped. We have grown so much together and I love the conversations we have--always meaningful but also fun.

Becky McCrea


KY: Becks is another high school buddy of mine. We have been with each other for so much! We've gotten to be in each other's lives for so much of the important things, and I can't wait to party it up with her. Becky is ever the responsible one, but don't take that as boring because she is always a good time! I love her and look up to her so much. Not many people can take on a million jobs, on top of the huge job of being a mom. She's a superhero.

Susannah Escobar


KY: Suz and I met at a Bible study years ago and I am forever grateful we did! Suz always asks the good questions, and usually they're the ones you're not thinking of but should be. Anytime I am in a predicament I know I can come to Suz to help me work it out. I loved being her roommate and I have loved staying a part of each other's lives, whatever the events were.

Jenn Smith


KY: I've known Jenn quite literally my whole life. Jenn is my older sister who taught me so much, even if she did try to keep me away because I was the annoying younger sister ;) We would fight in front of our parents because that's what siblings do, but when they were gone we always had a great time. And we don't fight ~nearly~ as much anymore! I got to live with Jenn for a semester when I did an internship in Atlanta and honestly living with her as adults made my semester great. I love that she is always down for an adventure, whether that's something as small as cooking a new dish, or moving across the country.

Tyler Hastings

Best Man

CH: This guy will always be family. Our friendship started in 6th grade when I was seated next to him in Mr. R's homeroom. He probably doesn't remember it but, I remember at one point that year calling him my "right hand man", literally because he always sat to my right in classes and at lunch. Little did I know that I was prophesying over our lives. He really is my right hand man and I would do anything for this man because he and his family mean the world to me. The smartest guy I know, the most loyal person, and has the biggest heart any human being could possess. I love him and happy he's my co-best man.

Ryan Burton

Best Man

CH: I might be the only one that gets to call him Burt. It's a term of endearment for me and I hope he knows that I use it out of love. I owe a lot of my life to this guy because without him I would not have a relationship with God. When I was going through some of the darkest times in my life, this guy was always there constantly being a light for me. It's funny how God put people in your life for a purpose but, I'm thankful that he made us best friends. I love him to death and so happy that he's my co-best man.

Crystal Hong


CH: Whatever I'm about to say about this pretty lady will not do her justice. One of my favorite human beings because she just feels like home to me. She along with her siblings used to baby sit me and from the stories I've heard I was a very bad kid. Fast forward, the roles have switched because now she's the bad child being a bad influence on me haha. Whenever we get together, you can count on us always eating good, drinking good, and singing karaoke. My cousin by blood but she is really my big sister, my role model, and one of my best friends. I love her to death and happy she gets to be a part of the big day.

Charlie Hong


CH: There's no bond stronger than one with your brother. This kid and I have been through hell and back and I wouldn't trade any moment I've ever had with him. I practically helped raise this kid and could not be more proud of the man that he has become. He has a huge heart and is very talented even though he does not see it. I hope he knows that even though I am starting this new chapter in my life that I will always be around to support him. I will always love him and I'm ecstatic that he is one of my groomsman.

Ryan Hong


CH: One of the most passionate people you will ever meet. You could probably guess which one of my family members he is just by how enthusiastic he is about any topic you could bring up. He introduced me to a lot of the things that I love today such as the UFC, quality & delicious food, and tasty beers. He will do anything for people who care about him, is incredibly talented in the kitchen, and my brother for life. I am thrilled to make him one of my groomsmen.

Steve Bui


CH: We grew up together as kids and did almost everything together. We were babysat together, took karate lessons together, and watched the same Kung-Fu movies together. I've always seen this guy more like a brother than a cousin even when we drifted a part as we got older. Life has it's ways of pulling people apart and yet any time I'm with this guy, it's like we are kids again. My brother for life and one of the chillest people you will ever meet. Rejoicing that he is able to be a part of the big day!

Bill Hastings


CH: If this man ever asked me to go to war with him, I would do it in a heartbeat. Bill will always be family to me and there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for him. He's this tall and angry looking man but, if you respect him and get a few drinks in him, he's a giant teddy bear. We enjoy the same music, the same whiskeys, same food. Some of my favorite memories are with him when we get to enjoy all three things. It's an honor to have him as one of my groomsmen.

Aaron Heacock


CH: If you are lucky enough, relationships will occur in your life where there is an instant connection. My friendship with Aaron is one of those kinds of relationships. We laugh at the same exact jokes and somehow are the only ones that laugh at each others stupid jokes. I've enjoyed a lot of fun and eventful moments with him and overjoyed that he is a groomsman.

Eric Hallstrom


There might be a handful of people in the world that have a comforting and warm presence about them. Eric is absolutely one of those people. From the moment we met him, we fell in love with the person that God made him to be. Such an incredible human being with so much to offer in every conversation. He and his wife, Madison, are shining examples of what a marriage should be. Thus, we felt that it was imperative that he be a part of our day as the Officiant. Sprinkle in the fact that he has the perfect narrating voice for any occasion. We love him and his wife and are excited for him to marry us.

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