Matron of Honor
Nature dictates there be a bond- kidding! I wouldn't have anyone else besides my sister on this very special day. I know she'll make sure I won't be a bridezilla!
Alyssa and I met in 5th grade and immediately hit it off. A full childhood of sleepovers, school plays and shenanigans! I mean look at us, it's mostly shenanigans...
I remember I tried to "run away" to your house. Like, my parents wouldn't catch on as I was there all the time! Just young neighborhood kids sharing school rides and singing our hearts out. And occasional soap making... is there anything we haven't done?
Oh the late nights we shared painting our nails, primping and plucking. I wish we were introduced in each other's lives sooner. Think of all the missed out milkshakes we could've shared!!
You aren't human if you can't be silly. I don't think I have a single picture of us being normal and I wouldn't trade that for the WORLD! Plays and musicals will do that to ya ;)
My favorite memory of us is dressing up like the Fanta Soda Girls in high school. It's not really, although we rocked it my true favorite is not as PG. Let's just say I'm not a good Beer Olympics partner haha!! I just end up drunk cleaning your toilet.
Best Man
Mike and I met back in the fall of 2012. My parents were moving and I was looking for a place to live. I luckily met one of his roommates at the time and decided to move in with them since they needed someone on the lease. Nine years later our friendship has grown from just strangers to close friends.
Jared was the first out of Cheyanne's friends that I met and we instantly hit it off. He welcomed me into the friend circle with open arms! We have shared many late night laughs and possibly a "few" beers. I expect our friendship to last for many years to come.
As a little kid growing up, I always looked to Robert as my big brother that I never had. Our parents have been friends since they were in high school. There were plenty of overnights at each others houses where we made great memories. That was until he betrayed us and went off to college in Alabama to be part of the Crimson Tide. All I gotta say to that is Go BUCKS! ;)
Another one of Cheyanne's friends that I stole. LOL. But seriously, we have become the best of friends! We spent our lazy Sundays talking about life in general and have become very close. I'm happy that I can have him on my side for our wedding.
I've known Parker my whole life. We grew up together and our parents have been long time friends as well. We go so far back! We stayed such good friends even though we didn't always go to the same schools, he's always been there! I was really excited when I heard the news you were moving back to Ohio. And now I get to have you stand next to me on one of the most important days of my life.
I met Aaron in the summer of 2018. My first interaction with him was when he bought a rotisserie chicken and had a bag of frozen broccoli and was just munching down on it for lunch. We became great friends and work colleagues and spent many o' nights playing video games together. CHUNGA ONE!!!!!
I met Cole through work and basically can't stop laughing when he's around. Cheyanne met Cole when I was playing a video game with him and they talked for about an hour on the headset. He's been a new addition but a constant in my life since we've met. We couldn't pick a better, more genuine person to marry the two of us.