April 10, 2022
Houston, TX

Winifred & Kenan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Phoebe Tung


My literal day 1. Phoebe has seen and cheered me on through all stages of my life and you will not find a prouder older sis. Our lives seem like they couldn’t be any more different but because of her my life is all the richer and livelier. So many of my friends were drawn to her when we were young and she was always such a ringleader among us kids because of her easygoingness and exuberance. Her heart is genuinely kind and I'm forever thankful for her.

Ben Tour


When Ben and I met in small group the 2nd week of my freshman year, I was unaware of how much his friendship would shape my life / career path. After leading small group together for 2 years, he convinced me to follow him into the bottomless pit of investment banking, only to take a new job in Chicago before I ever started work. He’s made up for it by being a faithful and thoughtful friend to me and Winifred through the years (except during board games, when you should never trust him).

Christine Lin


Christine and I have had so many adventures from CA -> NY that I now consider us bicoastal besties. We've even had our share of adventures in Europe as well #Grenoble2015. Xtine is someone I can always turn to for spiritual encouragements, fashion/hair recommendations, and relationship advice. There's no one I'd rather eat crushed macarons with, quote She's the Man with, or take to Esperanza.

Aaron Wong


The orientation coordinators were on to something when they assigned Aaron and me as suitemates before freshman year, because we gladly chose to room together until we graduated. We’ve lived a couple thousand miles apart for a while now, but whenever we see each other those 4 years of shared dorm rooms and memories make it so easy and fun to catch up that it’s like he never moved away (much to horror of those around us, who have to hear our overused jokes yet again).

Shirley Xu


Shirley and I didn't actually choose each other as small group leaders but God knew that I needed Shirls in my life. Fast forward 8 years later and we are now #Whirley4lyfe. You will not find a more intelligent, thoughtful, and generous person than Shirls. She genuinely cares for people and has inspired me to think more deeply about my faith, culture, and honestly just about everything else.

Kevin Jiang


After 4 years of Econ exams, 3 years of living together post-college, 1 year of leading a small group, and countless late-night talks, it’s an understatement to say that Kevin and I have been through it all together. I’ve learned a lot from Kev’s strengths: How to work out, how to track calories, how to be a better and more selfless friend. But there’s one thing I’ve learned from Kev that I will forever value most: How not to dress.

Melody Lee


Melody was one of my first friends at Rice and during our time at Rice, we’ve shared so many embarrassing moments that we feel no shame now. I’m sort of kidding, but we’ve definitely had many more sweet moments together as suite mates and being in two Christian fellowships at the same time at Rice. We’ve both moved around so much since Rice but Melody always seems to know what’s going on in my life and continues to help me pray through difficult times!

Hector Picon


Hector doesn’t know this, but the only reason I befriended him during freshman year was because I mistook him for Justin Bieber and wanted some of his fame and money. When I finally realized my error, I had already asked if he wanted to be suitemates for sophomore year and it was too late to back out. Turns out Hector’s musical talents are limited, but his heart for others and care for his friends aren't, so…I guess I’ll take it.

Megan Smith


Megan was an answer to prayer my first year at Rice and was the best roommate ever. She helped keep my life (especially my sleep schedule) on track and was always such a spiritual encouragement. Though we parted ways as roommates after our first year, she has always been a positive and uplifting force, and never ceases to speak truth and encouragements into my life!

Max Hassell


Max is a man of many talents, as demonstrated by his reign as Mr. Rice in 2015 (word on the street is that his performance in the swimsuit portion of the competition is what really sealed the victory for him). The card tricks and weird ability to fix / build anything around a house are cool, but best of all is the fact that I can truly say I’ve learned how to be a better boyfriend, fiancé, and husband through watching and talking to him.

Grace Lim


Grace makes me seem more classy than I actually am. Some of my favorite memories together include drinking wine while listening to her record player and making Philz mint mojitos together in Israel. She is always down for a good time and conversation - no matter how much time has passed since we last talked. No one can bring me out of my comfort zone the way she does.

Chris Chivetta


Chris and I were also assigned as roommates freshman year, but I think even he would admit this was a little more of a head-scratcher — we spent the better part of 2 years wondering if we had anything in common. But in the years since, through watch parties for nearly every big sporting event together, an unhealthy amount of hot chicken, and nearly concurrent wedding planning, I’ve come to realize Chris is what I aspire to be: Someone who would drop anything to help out a friend.

Spring Cheng


Spring was an older sister to me during my time at Rice. We met on a church bus and started to bond over literally everything. Being the wise senior while I was a naive little freshman, she was someone I could always turn to for advice (and food when serveries weren’t open on Saturdays). She has always reminded me of God’s goodness in the midst of difficult life circumstances and I’m forever grateful!

Brett Leatherwood


It’s scary to graduate from the safety of the Rice bubble and venture out into the professional world, but Brett made me feel right at home at JPM by roasting the life out of me a few weeks into the job and then just…never stopping. He’s interspersed his jabs, though, with being a wise mentor and dependable friend in both the office and regular life, not to mention introducing me to some of my favorite Houston restaurants.

Ayla Davis


Ayla is going to be a new sister-in-law! She is always so easy to talk to and is the only reason that I still feel somewhat connected to Rice. I’m excited that we’ll both be in Houston at the same time so I can continue to introduce her to more good Asian food. Her brother wants everyone to know that her soccer career took a dramatic turn for the worse as a 4 year old when she was ejected from a game for kicking an opponent intentionally.

Nicky Joseph


Though Nicky and I have never lived together, we've grown ever closer over the past 7+ years. There are many memories there, but two of the dumbest inexplicably stand out: Me storming out over a game of FIFA 06, and Nicky yelling at me in front of our Math class because I outscored him on a 3rd exam in a row. On a weirdly serious note, we both sat the other down and apologized afterward -- a true testament to the depth of our friendship.

Nathania Davis


Nathania will be another new sister-in-law! In the last 4-5 years of knowing her and seeing her go through college, I’ve seen how passionate she can be for her studies, art, rock-climbing, etc. and how loyal she is to people she loves. Whenever we talk, she is always open and vulnerable, which has led to conversations that have really bonded us. From Kenan: Attempted to run away from home in the dead of night as a 7 year old because she was never allowed to eat as many Eggo waffles as she wanted for breakfast.

Jacob Song


I met Jacob my sophomore year, and our friendship just...slowly took off? I can't recall becoming close immediately, or even one particular time that would've accelerated it, but by my senior year there Jacob was, one of my closest and most trusted friends (trusting Jacob is an adventure...you never know when you'll find yourself trapped in a Houston steam tunnel or a hidden freight elevator). Jacob was the first to know I was asking out a cute girl named Winifred.

Kathy Chen


Kathy and I were two Californians figuring out how to live in the Northeast for PA school. Though most of our relationship was based on getting $5 acai bowls every Wednesday and complaining about difficult rotations/preceptors, over time Kathy and I developed a friendship that allowed us to share vulnerable details of our lives and celebrate each other’s milestones and small victories. PA school would have been much less enjoyable without her so I’m grateful for her presence in my life these last 2.5 years!

Michael King


When Michael joined JPM in my 2nd year of work he made my life much easier by working as a standout junior analyst, by being one of the kindest humans ever, and most importantly by bringing in boxes of his home-made chocolate chip cookies. In return, I taught him the most valuable skill I know: How to play fantasy football. Unfortunately, I think I played myself -- I gained a football-watching buddy, but now his Sundays are too full to bake those cookies...

Jacob Tung

Ring Bearer

Liam Tung

Ring Bearer

For all the days along the way
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