June 30, 2021
Issaquah, WA

Jaime & Bryan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Jaime Wilson


Bryan Wells


Dana Wilson

Maid of Honor

My little-big sister! I find us to be pretty opposite, except for the fact that we are both Sagittarius. The yin to my yang, Dana has all the strong qualities that I value and aspire to have myself. Sometimes I feel like shes the older and wiser one and I learn from her all the time. I am so honored to have her standing by my side today and every day.

Alex Wells

Best Man

As the younger of the two Wells boys, there hasn't been a time in my life when I didn't look up to my brother Alex for guidance. Somehow I am still surprised how quickly he can turn from organized leader of the pack to the derpy dweeb I remember him to be growing up. But its that healthy amount of inner goon that assures me that we are cut from the same cloth and that I will always have a best friend that I can count on - no matter what.

Oriana Womersley


I met Ori my freshman year of college. My friend kissed her ex boyfriend, things got awkward, but we bonded on a stump over a scarf and the rest is history. I have Ori to thank for knowing Bryan, as well as Emily, another bridesmaid of mine. She is the one who brings everyone together and the most loyal and dependable friend.

Aaron Grossbard


This new kid from Texas was sat next to me in 1st grade and we quickly became best friends. Fiercely loyal and always ready to kick up the party a notch with a fresh beat, Aaron has been an indispensable companion from childhood into my adult life. It is because of Aaron that I met Jaime and he knowingly or not - facilitated trips up to Bellingham where I could thereby steer plans with the guys in order to visit her.

Kelli Culver


I met Kelli in high school. We built our friendship during those years, and maintained and strengthened it during college. We've traveled to many places, seen countless concerts, and made some questionable decisions together. Kelli is my loyal friend who always shows up for you - even when your birthday is on a holiday and no one else can!

Wade Morisette Hayes


My friendship with Wade dates back to Preschool and we have been conjuring up hilarity ever since. Our combined creative energy and shameless wit provide a seemingly endless well of material to riff off of. Familiar with coloring outside the lines and a natural entertainer, I can always count on Wade to lighten the mood.

Brittney Ruiz


My longest friend! The friend I was with when I met Bryan. I've known Brittney since the 6th grade when I unsolicited the knowledge that, "My name is Jaime. I draw frogs. Want to learn?" Apparently this was all it took. Her family became my family. We were inseparable. Even with time and distance, she's one I'll know for a lifetime.

Ricky Allyn


My friendship with Ricky did not come to fruition until college, when I needed a bold and adventuresome friend just like him. Both consumed with sorting out life's big questions, Ricky and I are content to delve into the most obscure diatribes on any topic, sometimes probably just for the sake of hearing ourselves talk. An insatiably curious and uninhibited explorer, Ricky could take you on a tour of the universe without ever leaving the back porch.

Rachel Marrandino


My other longest friend! My opera singing, short statured, sailor swearing genius who puts me in stitches with her ridiculous stories and personal anecdotes. Even though she lives in New York City pursuing her dream of singing, our bond never changes. Our made up language and endless memories continue to live on when we are together.

Konner Hotsko


Konner and I got to know each other over the course of many weekend long festivals and concerts with mutual friends. We took no time to establish a mutual love for many of the same films and still riff movie quotes back and forth to this day. I have always admired Konner's keen sensibilities making him an alluring ringleader and trusty cohort.

Bindhu Ward


I met Bindhu in college one snowy day when I ran from my house in the col-de-sac over to her house in the same col-de-sac and forced her and her roomies to hang out with me. Since that day, we suffered through many psych classes together, went out often, but balanced it with some chick nuggs in bed every once in a while. Our friendship formed quick - it was love at first sight. Both of us also played roles in and helped orchestrate the relationships that led to our marriages so I'm glad we weren't bothered when people didn't "get" our friendship!

Ian Ward


Well stitched into the Western crew, Ian had a way of making an outsider like me feel like a regular member of the gang. An open and deep thinker combined with a strong non judgmental vibe makes Ian one of the most pleasant and easy to get along with guys I know.

Anna Kathman


My life would be significantly duller without Anna. When feeling like the "black sheep" in our teaching classes at Western, I overheard her talking to other classmates about having gone out the night before. I knew then and there she was "my people". We continued our teaching program together and being each other's assigned Critical Friend (CFFFFFFFF) sealed the deal. She now keeps me smiling all day at our current school where we get to teach together and see each other every day.

Anders Heller


Maker of many memorable moments in college, Anders was the glue of our UW crew. I was instantly drawn to Anders fleeting false bravado as I saw the truly genuine and caring friend underneath. Someone who'll have your back anytime, pick you up and put some pep in your step, that's Anders.

Hayley (Almost) Hopkins


I met Hayley in college and immediately loved her. It wasn't until recent years that we became closer through other friends' bachelorette parties, concerts, and weeknight The Bachelor viewing parties. Hayley ALWAYS brings the fun, is an excellent hand holder, and is constantly ready for the next adventure. I feel grateful that she makes the time for her friends and I am especially grateful to get the opportunity to stand by her side as she gets married at the end of the summer!

Emily Tyack


I have Ori to thank for my friendship with Emily. When walking to Ori's car for a Jewish event she was picking me up for, I was surprised to see another person walking to the same car - it was Emily. She became an instant friend after this night, folding nicely into my already established group of friends. We lived together for many years in college and I even had the pleasure of living with her husband on a separate occasion. She is my voice of reason, calming force, and cozy pants EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Danielle Mauer


Danielle is my friend I wasn't expecting. We met at the school I teach at and our bonding moment was riding a mustache see-saw together. While her Husband trained for the Army, Danielle and I became close. Concerts, sports games, beer festivals, cycle saloons - we checked a lot of things off her Seattle bucket list! She moved back to Cleveland after the birth of her first son, but it's like no time has passed when we are together.

Kimberly Wells


My future sister in law by marriage, but friend by choice! I met Kim early on when she started dating Bryan's brother Alex. I felt so lucky to have another person who I LOVED now around during family holidays, vacations and gatherings. It also helped that she understood the Wells men - if they can even be understood. When we attended a family reunion years back, we became the presumptuous "incoming outlaws" or in other words, the soon to be in-laws. So glad this premonition came true and that I get to add another sister to my life!

For all the days along the way
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