The Rat Pack
Anna, Emma, Becca and I were brought together by our pregnant mamas, who all happened to be expecting baby girls within a few months of one another. We met in diapers and proceeded to spend the next eighteen years bouncing between our homes to have sleepovers, eat Oreos, climb fences, and play soccer in the streets. Affectionately referred to as “The Rat Pack” for reasons we’ve now forgotten, this group knows me better than anyone. Find them on the dance floor or hovering by the hors d'oeuvres for embarrassing tales of my childhood.
Jake Cooper
Cooper and I originally met at boarding school in New Jersey as leaders in our respective houses (Woodhull > Kennedy). But it wasn’t until our freshman year at Duke that we bonded and realized the depth of our shared personal values and life outlooks. We went on to join the same fraternity, live together in Durham and in Australia, and enjoy many adventures before and after college. Whether we were co-piloting an overnight RV to Mardi Gras, venturing into Sydney house parties, riding mopeds on Thailand’s highways, evading campus police, sawing Cooper’s couch in half to fit it into his NYC apartment, or just chowing down on an endless supply of hummus, I’ve always valued Cooper’s zest for life, his moral character, and his self-deprecating humor. Can’t wait to have you up there with me, Coop.