June 26, 2021
Lockridge, IA

Cameron & Rachel

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the Best Men and Maids of Honor in our lives, along with some other key wedding members! We are blessed to have each of these special friends and family members to share our special day with us.

Becca Kindred

Maid of Honor

Affectionately known as "Seestor", Becca is the younger sister of the bride. She would ALSO claim she is also wiser and smarter - and she would probably be right. She is a rock and anchor to the bride, and somehow always knows how to bring her back to reality and calm her down when she needs it. She really should have been the oldest - it isn't fair! No matter what - the bride knows she is lucky to have her.

Chase Exline

Best Man

Chase is the younger brother of the groom. If there is one person Chase has never disappointed, it is undoubtedly himself. He knows what he is doing and doesn't need anyone to remind him of that, thank you! His full-of-himself get-er-done style (all while with a mullet!) is the thing we love about him the most.

Brittany Exline

Maid of Honor

Brittany is the youngest of Cam's siblings. She brings gives meaning to the the phrase "small but mighty". She's as sweet as they come - as long as you do things her way! Somehow she manages to make demanding pretty darn endearing - and hilarious to boot! She has a soft spot in the hearts of all of those who know her.

Cody Halferty

Best Man

"Shake N Bake" really does say it all for Cam and his life-long best friend! Put together these two, a dirt track, and some stupid childhood stunts and out will come an unshakeable friendship bond. Smartass to the core - Cody is best known for his over the top costumes and Clark Griswold love of holidays! Fun fact - he got the cops to stop at his house for a photo op with his Christmas lights last year!

Jackie Ridgway

Maid of Honor

In Grey's Anatomy speak, she is the bride's "person". We all need that one person we can call no matter when, no matter what, no matter why. We aren't all as lucky to have one as cool as this chick! Jackie has a one of a kind giving, loving heart that makes the world a better place no matter where she goes.

Tommy Ridgway

Best Man

Twenty-five(ish) years ago when they met, neither Tommy or Rachel would have believed he would be in her wedding that many years later. His and the brides' shared birthday (as well as his stellar wife choice) have turned into a lifelong friendship that is now more like family. Cam thinks Tommy is pretty cool too - oh yeah, and they work together!

Jamie Riedesel

Maid of Honor

If you are lucky in life you will meet someone you can instantly develop your own language with that may or may not make sense to anyone else in the room. That type of connection is the best way to describe the bride's relationship with this beautiful, glowing soul - it is a friendship that since high school, has brought countless moments of uncontrollable laughter, hilarious self-induced scenarios, and just joy to the bride's life overall. I gotta parrot in my pants!!!

Lanny Nichols

Best Man

Lanny and the groom go way back. If you know him at all, you know his theme song is "Turn Down For What?!", and for good reason. If you get this guy going on a night out, you are in for a night of fun! He is a gearhead through and through - be careful, he just might try and buy your car off of ya! He is a great friend to anyone lucky enough to call him one.

Lea Kaskadden

Maid of Honor

We all know that one person that we don't know how they do it all - have an amazing career, beautiful kids/family, own multiple small businesses, have a full and active social life, AND manage to look great while doing it all! Lea is that person - and if you have her as a friend you know she would give you the shirt off her back to help you out! If you have her in your corner, you can rest assured that you are going to be just fine. And likely have something delicious to eat as well! Be sure to thank her for the amazing wedding cake that her bakery, Princess and the Peas, gifted to the bride and groom!

Lucky "Alan" Lang II

Best Man

Working at his family's restaurant all throughout high school turned into the bride gaining a brother (and extended family) she never knew she needed. He was originally slated for a Maid of Honor role - but we couldn't find a dress that matched his eyes! In reality - the groom thinks he is pretty great too, especially since he is hosting the grooms bachelor party in Vegas. The bride is excited about that too - at least she is BEFORE the trip.....!

Jenessa Wagner

Maid of Honor

Jenessa and her family are coming all the way from Texas to help celebrate! She and the bride have been close since high school. They even had a few fun and crazy years living together in Arizona! She is one of those friends you can go months without speaking to because life keeps you busy/apart, but when you are lucky enough to see each other you can pick back up as if you never left off. We are very grateful to have her with us to celebrate!

Josh Riley

Best Man

Josh and the groom grew up together and spend time on the track together to this day. He is one of the groom's closest friends and is known for loving the color green - both through having cash in his pocket and by always having it on his race car!

Daniel Zawatzki

Ring Bearer/Son of Bride

Daniel is the bride's 13-year-old son. Watching him and the groom become close over the last 6 years has been one of the bride's favorite things...and has helped reassure and guide her that the groom was a pretty special dude indeed. Danny plays the trumpet, loves to sing, and is a "video game head". He prides himself on being "weird", and will surely not disappoint in that aspect the remainder of his teenage years. In reality he is one of the sweetest and most giving souls you will ever meet and we couldn't be prouder of him!

Rocky BullwRinkle

Ring Bearer

Rocky is the biological son of the bride and groom.....well at least he thinks so, and they don't try very hard to correct him! He is excited to get all dressed up for the wedding and be a ring bearer with his big bro!

Kyla Wilson


Kyla always has and always will hold a special place in the bride's heart, and we are so excited she agreed to officiate our ceremony! In her short 23 years on Earth, she has grown into one of the wisest and strongest people you could ever meet. Having her make our wedding official is a memory we are honored to share with her!

For all the days along the way
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