October 13, 2023
Hartland, Wisconsin

Sarah & Tyler

Abstract WatercolorAbstract Watercolor


The Wedding Website of Sarah Salomon and Tyler Heischberg
Please see the below information regarding the hotel block and shuttle! Reach out to either of us at any time if you have any questions. Final day to book in hotel block is September 12th at 12:01 AM! You may book in the hotel afterwards, but you will not get the group rate.


Ingleside Hotel

2810 Golf Road
Pewaukee, WI 53072

We have a hotel block at the Ingleside Hotel. Please click "view" below to book your room! Book by Sept 12, 2023 at 12:01 AM to receive the discount. If the room block fills up, please let us know and we will request more rooms in the block! The hotel block rate does not include water park passes. To add water park passes, there would be an additional charge of $40 plus tax per room per night. Water park rate includes up to 4 passes (based on number of guests in room). So if you would like to stay a little longer on Saturday after the wedding, feel free to add this to your booking!


MKE Shuttle from Ingleside Hotel to Rustic Manor

October 13, 2023 4:15 pm - 12:00 am

We will have a shuttle from the hotel to the venue. There will be two shuttle times before the wedding. The first will leave the hotel at 4:15 PM and the second will leave the hotel at 4:45 PM. After the wedding, the shuttle will be running every 45 min starting at 9:30 PM. Final shuttle will be at 12:10 AM.

Travel Note

Other Hotels

If you do not wish to stay in the Ingleside Hotel, there are a number of hotels nearby. However, we cannot guarantee the shuttle to those locations.

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