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We're looking forward to celebrating with you! Please RSVP from the invitation sent, don't forget to add your name to the RSVP in addition to whether you'll be attending or not. Please RSVP by August 1, 2021
October 2, 2021
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Laura & Michael


Rope Decoration

Michael Britt


Laura Tumulty

October 2, 2021

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

How we met


We met online and pretty quickly Michael asked me out on a date. It took me a few weeks to accept his date, but I was so glad I did. Our first date lasted 6 hours as we talked, laughed, and got to know each other. We were pretty much together every day since. We have so much in common, but oddly enough we are rivals. He is a die hard Longhorn and I am an Aggie (Gig'em). We truly have a house divided! But with that comes respect and we have fun with the rivalry. We both realized we wanted the same things in life and that we were falling in love within a couple of months. The last 2 years have been the easiest, most fun times of my life. God knew what He was doing making me wait 40 years to find the perfect person. I am so excited to marry Michael. He is the most perfect human God could have created for me. He understands and loves my quirkiness and weirdness the way I thought no one ever could. #BLESSED

How he proposed


Michael and I knew we wanted to get married. I think we both knew within a few months. I had waited my whole life for him and I could be patient... However, I was dropping more and more hints as time went on. ;) I went for a girl's weekend with a few of my besties to Fredericksburg for some wine tasting and gluttony. Little did I know, Michael had planned to take a day off Friday (which is HUGE for him) and go to Houston to buy my engagement ring. He had also planned to have dinner with my parents and ask for my hand in marriage. He calls me that Friday morning to tell me to have a good time with my friends and he can't wait to see me after the weekend. Apparently, right after that, he left for Nazar's in Houston. Sunday morning my girlfriends and I head back to the Austin area. Michael wanted to take me to dinner Sunday night because he hadn't seen me all weekend. I told him no, I wasn't feeling up to it (had a busy weekend of wine tasting after all...). He asked me again later in the day, and I still said no, so he opted to come to my house instead. I was being super lazy and he walks in with a dozen red roses. I was in shock, but not unlike him to randomly bring me flowers, I thought he was being his amazingly sweet self and he had missed me! I walk into the kitchen to grab a vase for the beautiful roses and when I turn around he is on one knee presenting me with the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen! I nearly fell over! He actually had to put the ring on the table to catch me because I was in shock! So of course I said yes and when I called my parents, the reality set in and I started crying my eyes out. Happy, excited tears of course! My dreams with my dream man had come true! So I pulled myself together and we had dinner where he originally intended to take me that evening and he showed me where he had wanted to propose. Leave it up to me to ruin his wonderful plan! LOL! It was the best proposal I could have ever asked for. I am the happiest I've ever been!

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