The Airport is located in Greensboro, NC and it's 30-40 minutes from Winston Salem, NC where our recommended hotel is located.
For more flight options, we recommend CLT. Please be advised that CLT is about 100 miles from our venue.
This is the Hotel closest to the Greensboro Airport. Reservations can be made by calling 1-800-EMBASSY and giving the group code 902.
This Hotel does NOT have a room block. This is a recommendation. It is also located in Downtown Winston Salem and walkable to most restaurants and bars.
This hotel does NOT have a room block. This hotel is a recommendation that is located in Downtown Winston Salem, NC. It is walkable to restaurants and bars. This hotel is still 25-30 minutes away to the wedding venue.
This Hotel does NOT have a room block. This is a recommendation. It is nicer than the Embassy Suites and is close to Veronica and Tommy’s hotel. It is also located in Downtown Winston Salem and walkable to most restaurants and bars.