Matron of Honor
My friend for 10 years, roommate for 4, and loving coparent of 2 kitties, Hannah is simply the best. Hiking, snow sports, road trips, love of cookbooks, flooded apartments... I couldn't ask for a better friend in any of this!
Tori is my favorite co-host for fun parties, a wise friend, and a creative delight. Whenever I need an item for my home, I ask her to keep an eye out at a thrift store, because her finds are classy and cheap (in price, not quality).
I love Brynn and her sense of adventure; I aspire to be at her level of fun! She is a truth teller, and gets things done. She always does my research for me, and I stole a bunch of wedding ideas from her (thanks!).
What words can describe the almost 15 years of friendship that Kara and I have shared... truly, IDK my BFF Jill. (But consider: Random. Adventurous. Silly. Traumatic, lol. Heartfelt. Sadly long distance. Precious)
Best Man
Friend for 11 years and fellow beer/whiskey aficionado. Jason is always willing to let me tag along on adventures and is happy to impart his knowledge. He introduced me to golf so you can thank him for all my golf related shenanigans. Favorite Memory: When Jason convinced a fellow bar patron to buy himself a 30 dollar drink of Papi VanWinkle, and then said patron ended up buying us all Papi VanWinkle (along with rest of our tab).
College Buddy since 1999 and 1 of 3 teammates of my NBA Live dream team (Uno Mas). Jason's natural creativity in music, art, and dancing is incredible. Jason has a knack for having some of the most insightful and meaningful conversations. Favorite Memory: Hanging out with Jason in the Art room at midnight while he was trying to complete a 3 month long project in 48 hours
College friend since 2001 and senior year college roommate. Brian is 1 of 3 teammates of the NBA Live Dream Team (Uno mas). Brian's level of video game and comic book knowledge was awe inspiring, and made me feel like a padawan in comparison. I always enjoyed Brian's wit and humor, especially when aimed at Jason Reynolds. Favorite Memory: In the Summer of 2006, attending six baseball games in six different ball parks all in a span of six days with Justin Swanson.
College buddy since the Fall of 2000 and 1 of 3 teammates of the NBA Live Dream Team (Uno Mas). Justin is one of the most selfless and giving person and he would literally give you his shirt off his back, especially in college when girls were around. Justin's daring and no-fear personality was something I always found impressive. Favorite Memory: Hanging out in LA and Bakersfield in the summer of 2003 especially the Dodger game when someone threw an inflatable cork at Sammy Sosa. (Not when I got sunburned so badly because I fell asleep on Huntington Beach.)