The Skinny: Dom & Sarah met in middle school, Dom was always a year older (not fair). They were friends for a couple of years. They started dating Sarah's sophomore year of high school. They both attended the University of Oregon (SCOO DUCKS!). Dom graduated and pursued his career in recruiting while Sarah pursued wine (quite literally - wine sales). They've lived in 3 states together (OR, WA, CA), traveled the world & are the king/queen of planning the best spontaneous weekend trips as they cannot ever not have plans :) In a nutshell: They've been the biggest cheerleaders of one another & the rest is the craziest, one of a kind, loving, FUN rollercoaster of a story. We'll leave you with that & let you imagine the rest. Just know - their love (in the most cliche way) has conquered all. It's always been & always will be TEAM D&S. Enough with the gush - let's finally CELEBRATE!