Maid of Honor
Sarah is Claire's younger sister and soul mate - though you'd be forgiven for thinking she's Claire's older sibling as she is the carer, decision maker and minder.
Tom's sister and Claire's confidant, Hannah doesn't believe in marriage, but she's keeping her fingers crossed for this one!
Travelling around the world as teenagers Laura & Claire became like sisters. They will always be friends...Laura knows too much!
Best friends from school, Tom will follow this guy anywhere - even into crocodile infested waters!
In 2007 Rich taught Tom the power of saying yes to everything when they spent summers in America. Only good things have come from it!
Matt is Tom's oldest friend. As the Queen can trust him to move all of her belongings, we think we're in safe hands with Matt making sure the day goes to plan!
Tom's not so little brother. He is now a big guy. Please congratulate him on that!
This loveable rogue is everyone's favourite guy. But blink and he might be on the dancefloor naked.
Jack has been a best friend to Tom since primary school. He has the responsibility of the rings... good luck Jack!