12.30pm start @ Bethesda Methodist Church 18 Great Norwood Street, Cheltenham, GL50 2AP
2.30pm @ The Botanist, wedding breakfast @ 4pm Unit 6, The Brewery, Cheltenham, GL50 4FA
8pm @ The Botanist Unit 6, The Brewery, Cheltenham, GL50 4FA
Dress to impress (but don't wear white). All celebrating will be indoors.
There will be limited road parking on and around Great Norwood St. Bath Terrace Pay&Display car park, is just off Bath Road behind the church and may be an easier option (£1.50 cash/phone for 2hrs). A large NCP car park or outdoor car park are situated opposite The Botanist.
We'd love to give all of our guests the chance to let their hair down without having to worry about little eyes and ears, so we politely request no babies or children on the wedding day.
Cash/Card bar will be available at the venue.
Party ends at 2am! Starline Taxi's (01242 250 250) Andy Cars (01242 262 611) Dial a Cab (01242 242 424)
There will be a photographer for the day but we think the best photos are often taken by guests. So that we can see these, please use our hashtag #thegaunties if you're sharing photos/videos of the day.
Your presence on our wedding day is presents enough. But if you insist on giving us a gift, we will be pouring our blood, sweat and tears into building a new home for #thegaunties in the near future, so would welcome any contributions to our brick fund.