Travel Note
Our venue is located in a residential area in Palmer Lake, CO. All guests are responsible for their own transportation to and from the venue. It takes 20 minutes from Interquest Parkway to Pinecrest Weddings and Event Center in Palmer Lake, CO. For all out of town guests, we recommend staying in the northern part of Colorado Springs or the Monument area since it is closer to the venue.
We have created a hotel room block for guests, and you can find the link when you click the "View" tab below! We currently have 15 rooms blocked but if you notice that there aren't any left, please let us know and we will add more! Our blocked rate is available until May 14th.
This hotel is right across the street from the Courtyard.
DIA is about an hour north of Colorado Springs and is about an hour and twenty minutes to the Interquest hotels.
Located in the southern part of the city, COS Airport is about 35 minutes away from the hotels off Interquest Parkway and 45 minutes away from the wedding venue.